Android.Media.Effect.EffectFactory.EffectCrop Field
Parameter nameMeaningValid values
xoriginThe origin's x-value.Integer, between 0 and width of the image.
yoriginThe origin's y-value.Integer, between 0 and height of the image.
widthThe width of the cropped image.Integer, between 1 and the width of the image minus xorigin.
heightThe height of the cropped image.Integer, between 1 and the height of the image minus yorigin.


public const string EffectCrop


Parameter nameMeaningValid values
xoriginThe origin's x-value.Integer, between 0 and width of the image.
yoriginThe origin's y-value.Integer, between 0 and height of the image.
widthThe width of the cropped image.Integer, between 1 and the width of the image minus xorigin.
heightThe height of the cropped image.Integer, between 1 and the height of the image minus yorigin.

Crops an upright rectangular area from the image. If the crop region falls outside of the image bounds, the results are undefined.

Available parameters:

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Media.Effect
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 14