Provides classes used to render or track text and text spans on the screen.
You can use these classes to design your own widgets that manage text, to handle arbitrary text spans for changes, or to handle drawing yourself for an existing widget.
The Span… interfaces and classes are used to create or manage spans of text in a View item. You can use these to style the text or background, or to listen for changes. If creating your own widget, extend DynamicLayout, to manages the actual wrapping and drawing of your text.
Type | Reason |
AfterTextChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.TextView.AfterTextChanged event. |
AlteredCharSequence | An AlteredCharSequence is a CharSequence that is largely mirrored from another CharSequence, except that a specified range of characters are mirrored from a different char array instead. |
AndroidCharacter | AndroidCharacter exposes some character properties that are not easily accessed from java.lang. |
Annotation | Annotations are simple key-value pairs that are preserved across TextView save/restore cycles and can be used to keep application-specific data that needs to be maintained for regions of text. |
Annotation+InterfaceConsts | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
AutoText | This class accesses a dictionary of corrections to frequent misspellings. |
BidiFormatter | Utility class for formatting text for display in a potentially opposite-directionality context without garbling. |
BidiFormatter+Builder | A class for building a BidiFormatter with non-default options. |
BoringLayout | A BoringLayout is a very simple Layout implementation for text that fits on a single line and is all left-to-right characters. |
BoringLayout+Metrics | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
CapitalizationMode | Enumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of several types. |
ClipboardManager | [Android Documentation] |
DynamicLayout | DynamicLayout is a text layout that updates itself as the text is edited. |
EastAsianWidth | Enumerates values returned by several types. |
EditableFactory | Factory used by TextView to create new Editables. |
Html | This class processes HTML strings into displayable styled text. |
Html+IImageGetter | Retrieves images for HTML <img> tags. |
Html+ITagHandler | Is notified when HTML tags are encountered that the parser does not know how to interpret. |
IEditable | This is the interface for text whose content and markup can be changed (as opposed to immutable text like Strings). |
IEditableExtensions | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
IGetChars | Please implement this interface if your CharSequence has a getChars() method like the one in String that is faster than calling charAt() multiple times. |
IInputFilter | InputFilters can be attached to Android.Text.IEditables to constrain the changes that can be made to them. |
IInputFilterExtensions | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
IInputType | Bit definitions for an integer defining the basic content type of text held in an Android.Text.IEditable object. |
INoCopySpan | This interface should be added to a span object that should not be copied into a new Spenned when performing a slice or copy operation on the original Spanned it was placed in. |
InputFilterAllCaps | This filter will capitalize all the lower case letters that are added through edits. |
InputFilterLengthFilter | This filter will constrain edits not to make the length of the text greater than the specified length. |
InputTypes | Enumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of the Android.Widget.SearchView.SetInputType, and Android.Widget.TextView.SetRawInputType members. |
IParcelableSpan | A special kind of Parcelable for objects that will serve as text spans. |
ISpannable | This is the interface for text to which markup objects can be attached and detached. |
ISpanned | This is the interface for text that has markup objects attached to ranges of it. |
ISpanWatcher | When an object of this type is attached to a Spannable, its methods will be called to notify it that other markup objects have been added, changed, or removed. |
ITextDirectionHeuristic | Interface for objects that use a heuristic for guessing at the paragraph direction by examining text. |
ITextDirectionHeuristicExtensions | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
ITextWatcher | When an object of a type is attached to an Editable, its methods will be called when the text is changed. |
ITextWatcherExtensions | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
Layout | A base class that manages text layout in visual elements on the screen. |
Layout+Alignment | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
Layout+Directions | Stores information about bidirectional (left-to-right or right-to-left) text within the layout of a line. |
LoginFilter | Abstract class for filtering login-related text (user names and passwords) |
LoginFilter+PasswordFilterGMail | This filter is compatible with GMail passwords which restricts characters to the Latin-1 (ISO8859-1) char set. |
LoginFilter+UsernameFilterGeneric | This filter rejects characters in the user name that are not compatible with Google login. |
LoginFilter+UsernameFilterGMail | This filter rejects characters in the user name that are not compatible with GMail account creation. |
NoCopySpanConcrete | Convenience equivalent for when you would just want a new Object() for a span but want it to be no-copy. |
Selection | Utility class for manipulating cursors and selections in CharSequences. |
SpannableFactory | Factory used by TextView to create new Spannables. |
SpannableString | This is the class for text whose content is immutable but to which markup objects can be attached and detached. |
SpannableStringBuilder | This is the class for text whose content and markup can both be changed. |
SpannableStringInternal | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
SpannedString | This is the class for text whose content and markup are immutable. |
SpanTypes | Enumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of several types. |
StaticLayout | StaticLayout is a Layout for text that will not be edited after it is laid out. |
TextChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the Android.Widget.TextView.AfterTextChanged, Android.Widget.TextView.BeforeTextChanged, and Android.Widget.TextView.TextChanged events. |
TextDirectionHeuristics | Some objects that implement Android.Text.ITextDirectionHeuristic. |
TextLayoutDirection | Enumerates values returned by several types. |
TextPaint | TextPaint is an extension of Paint that leaves room for some extra data used during text measuring and drawing. |
TextUtils | [Android Documentation] |
TextUtils+IEllipsizeCallback | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
TextUtils+IStringSplitter | An interface for splitting strings according to rules that are opaque to the user of this interface. |
TextUtils+SimpleStringSplitter | A simple string splitter. |
TextUtils+TruncateAt | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |