Value: 4096
Flag for View.SystemUiVisibility: View would like to remain interactive when hiding the status bar with View.SystemUiFlagFullscreen and/or hiding the navigation bar with View.SystemUiFlagHideNavigation. Use this flag to create an immersive experience while also hiding the system bars. If this flag is not set, View.SystemUiFlagHideNavigation will be force cleared by the system on any user interaction, and View.SystemUiFlagFullscreen will be force-cleared by the system if the user swipes from the top of the screen.
When system bars are hidden in immersive mode, they can be revealed temporarily with system gestures, such as swiping from the top of the screen. These transient system bars will overlay app’s content, may have some degree of transparency, and will automatically hide after a short timeout.
Since this flag is a modifier for View.SystemUiFlagFullscreen and View.SystemUiFlagHideNavigation, it only has an effect when used in combination with one or both of those flags.