The methods of Android.Database.DatabaseUtils are listed below. For a list of all members, see the DatabaseUtils Members list.
See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object
static | AppendEscapedSQLString(Java.Lang.StringBuilder, string)Appends an SQL string to the given StringBuilder, including the opening and closing single quotes. | |
static | AppendSelectionArgs(string[], string[])Appends one set of selection args to another. | |
static | AppendValueToSql(Java.Lang.StringBuilder, Java.Lang.Object)Appends an Object to an SQL string with the proper escaping, etc. | |
static | BindObjectToProgram(Android.Database.Sqlite.SQLiteProgram, int, Java.Lang.Object)Binds the given Object to the given SQLiteProgram using the proper typing. | |
static | BlobFileDescriptorForQuery(Android.Database.Sqlite.SQLiteStatement, string[])Utility method to run the pre-compiled query and return the blob value in the first column of the first row. | |
static | BlobFileDescriptorForQuery(Android.Database.Sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, string, string[])Utility method to run the query on the db and return the blob value in the first column of the first row. | |
static | ConcatenateWhere(string, string)Concatenates two SQL WHERE clauses, handling empty or null values. | |
static | CreateDbFromSqlStatements(Android.Content.Context, string, int, string)Creates a db and populates it with the sql statements in sqlStatements. | |
static | CursorDoubleToContentValues(ICursor, string, Android.Content.ContentValues, string)Reads a Double out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map. | |
static | CursorDoubleToContentValuesIfPresent(ICursor, Android.Content.ContentValues, string)Reads a Double out of a column in a Cursor and writes it to a ContentValues. | |
static | CursorDoubleToCursorValues(ICursor, string, Android.Content.ContentValues)Reads a Double out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map. | |
static | CursorFloatToContentValuesIfPresent(ICursor, Android.Content.ContentValues, string)Reads a Float out of a column in a Cursor and writes it to a ContentValues. | |
static | CursorIntToContentValues(ICursor, string, Android.Content.ContentValues)Reads an Integer out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map. | |
static | CursorIntToContentValues(ICursor, string, Android.Content.ContentValues, string)Reads a Integer out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map. | |
static | CursorIntToContentValuesIfPresent(ICursor, Android.Content.ContentValues, string)Reads a Integer out of a column in a Cursor and writes it to a ContentValues. | |
static | CursorLongToContentValues(ICursor, string, Android.Content.ContentValues)Reads a Long out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map. | |
static | CursorLongToContentValues(ICursor, string, Android.Content.ContentValues, string)Reads a Long out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map. | |
static | CursorLongToContentValuesIfPresent(ICursor, Android.Content.ContentValues, string)Reads a Long out of a column in a Cursor and writes it to a ContentValues. | |
static | CursorRowToContentValues(ICursor, Android.Content.ContentValues)Read the entire contents of a cursor row and store them in a ContentValues. | |
static | CursorShortToContentValuesIfPresent(ICursor, Android.Content.ContentValues, string)Reads a Short out of a column in a Cursor and writes it to a ContentValues. | |
static | CursorStringToContentValues(ICursor, string, Android.Content.ContentValues)Reads a String out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map. | |
static | CursorStringToContentValues(ICursor, string, Android.Content.ContentValues, string)Reads a String out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to a Map. | |
static | CursorStringToContentValuesIfPresent(ICursor, Android.Content.ContentValues, string)Reads a String out of a column in a Cursor and writes it to a ContentValues. | |
static | CursorStringToInsertHelper(ICursor, string, DatabaseUtils.InsertHelper, int)Reads a String out of a field in a Cursor and writes it to an InsertHelper. | |
static | DumpCurrentRow(ICursor)Prints the contents of a Cursor's current row to System.out. | |
static | DumpCurrentRow(ICursor, Java.IO.PrintStream)Prints the contents of a Cursor's current row to a PrintSteam. | |
static | DumpCurrentRow(ICursor, Java.Lang.StringBuilder)Prints the contents of a Cursor's current row to a StringBuilder. | |
static | DumpCurrentRowToString(ICursor)Dump the contents of a Cursor's current row to a String. | |
static | DumpCursor(ICursor)Prints the contents of a Cursor to System.out. | |
static | DumpCursor(ICursor, Java.IO.PrintStream)Prints the contents of a Cursor to a PrintSteam. | |
static | DumpCursor(ICursor, Java.Lang.StringBuilder)Prints the contents of a Cursor to a StringBuilder. | |
static | DumpCursorToString(ICursor)Prints the contents of a Cursor to a String. | |
static | GetCollationKey(string)return the collation key | |
static | GetHexCollationKey(string)return the collation key in hex format | |
static | GetSqlStatementType(string)Returns one of the following which represent the type of the given SQL statement. | |
static | LongForQuery(Android.Database.Sqlite.SQLiteStatement, string[])Utility method to run the pre-compiled query and return the value in the first column of the first row. | |
static | LongForQuery(Android.Database.Sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, string, string[])Utility method to run the query on the db and return the value in the first column of the first row. | |
static | QueryNumEntries(Android.Database.Sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, string)Query the table for the number of rows in the table. | |
static | QueryNumEntries(Android.Database.Sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, string, string)Query the table for the number of rows in the table. | |
static | QueryNumEntries(Android.Database.Sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, string, string, string[])Query the table for the number of rows in the table. | |
static | ReadExceptionFromParcel(Android.OS.Parcel)Special function for reading an exception result from the header of a parcel, to be used after receiving the result of a transaction. | |
static | ReadExceptionWithFileNotFoundExceptionFromParcel(Android.OS.Parcel) | |
static | ReadExceptionWithOperationApplicationExceptionFromParcel(Android.OS.Parcel) | |
static | SqlEscapeString(string)SQL-escape a string. | |
static | StringForQuery(Android.Database.Sqlite.SQLiteStatement, string[])Utility method to run the pre-compiled query and return the value in the first column of the first row. | |
static | StringForQuery(Android.Database.Sqlite.SQLiteDatabase, string, string[])Utility method to run the query on the db and return the value in the first column of the first row. | |
static | WriteExceptionToParcel(Android.OS.Parcel, Java.Lang.Exception)Special function for writing an exception result at the header of a parcel, to be used when returning an exception from a transaction. exception will be re-thrown by the function in another process |