OpenTK Namespace

Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.


To be added.


AutoGeneratedAttribute Indicates that this function is generated automatically by a tool.
BezierCurve Represents a bezier curve with as many points as you want.
BezierCurveCubic Represents a cubic bezier curve with two anchor and two control points.
BezierCurveQuadric Represents a quadric bezier curve with two anchor and one control point.
BindingsBaseDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
BlittableValueType Checks whether the specified type parameter is a blittable value type.
BlittableValueType<T> Checks whether the specified type parameter is a blittable value type.
Box2 Defines a 2d box (rectangle).
ConfigurationProvides information about the underlying OS and runtime.
ContextHandle Represents a handle to an OpenGL or OpenAL context.
DisplayResolutionContains information regarding a monitor's display resolution.
FrameEventArgs Defines the arguments for frame events. A FrameEventArgs instance is only valid for the duration of the relevant event; do not store references to FrameEventArgs outside this event.
Functions Contains mathematical functions for the OpenTK.Math toolkit.
Half The name Half is derived from half-precision floating-point number. It occupies only 16 Bits, which are split into 1 Sign bit, 5 Exponent bits and 10 Mantissa bits.
INativeWindow Defines the interface for a native window.
KeyPressEventArgs Defines the event arguments for KeyPress events. Instances of this class are cached: KeyPressEventArgs should only be used inside the relevant event, unless manually cloned.
MathHelperDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
Matrix2Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
Matrix3Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
Matrix4 Represents a 4x4 Matrix
Matrix4d Represents a 4x4 Matrix with double-precision components.
Quaternion Represents a Quaternion.
Quaterniond Represents a double-precision Quaternion.
ToolkitDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
Vector2Represents a 2D vector using two single-precision floating-point numbers.
Vector2dRepresents a 2D vector using two double-precision floating-point numbers.
Vector2h2-component Vector of the Half type. Occupies 4 Byte total.
Vector3 Represents a 3D vector using three single-precision floating-point numbers.
Vector3d Represents a 3D vector using three double-precision floating-point numbers.
Vector3h 3-component Vector of the Half type. Occupies 6 Byte total.
Vector4Represents a 4D vector using four single-precision floating-point numbers.
Vector4dRepresents a 4D vector using four double-precision floating-point numbers.
Vector4h 4-component Vector of the Half type. Occupies 8 Byte total.
WindowBorder Enumerates available window borders.
WindowState Enumerates available window states.