Android.Transitions.SidePropagation.SetSide Method
Sets the side that is used to calculate the transition propagation.


[Android.Runtime.Register("setSide", "(I)V", "GetSetSide_IHandler")]
public virtual void SetSide ([Android.Runtime.GeneratedEnum] Android.Views.GravityFlags side)


The side that is used to calculate the transition propagation. Must be one of Android.Views.Gravity.LEFT, Android.Views.Gravity.TOP, Android.Views.Gravity.RIGHT, or Android.Views.Gravity.BOTTOM.


Sets the side that is used to calculate the transition propagation. If the transitioning View is visible in the start of the transition, then it will transition sooner when closer to the side and later when farther. If the view is not visible in the start of the transition, then it will transition later when closer to the side and sooner when farther from the edge. The default is Android.Views.Gravity.BOTTOM.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Transitions
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: