UIKit.UISearchDisplayDelegate Members

The members of UIKit.UISearchDisplayDelegate are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Foundation.NSObject

Public Constructors

Default constructor that initializes a new instance of this class with no parameters.

Protected Constructors

Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.
A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects; Called by the runtime.

Public Methods

Indicates that the UISearchDisplayController has begun searching.
Indicates that the UISearchDisplayController has finished searching.
DidHideSearchResults(UISearchDisplayController, UITableView)
Indicates that the UISearchDisplayController has hidden its table view.
DidLoadSearchResults(UISearchDisplayController, UITableView)
Indicates that the UISearchDisplayController has loaded its results table view.
DidShowSearchResults(UISearchDisplayController, UITableView)
Indicates that the UISearchDisplayController has begun displaying its results table view.
ShouldReloadForSearchScope(UISearchDisplayController, nint) : bool
Whether the results table view should be reloaded for a given scope.
ShouldReloadForSearchString(UISearchDisplayController, string) : bool
Whether the results table view should be reloaded for a given search string.
Indicates that the UISearchDisplayControler is about to begin searching.
Indicates that the UISearchDisplayController is about to end searching.
WillHideSearchResults(UISearchDisplayController, UITableView)
Indicates that the UISearchDisplayController is about to hide its results table view.
WillShowSearchResults(UISearchDisplayController, UITableView)
Indicates that the UISearchDisplayController is about to display its table view.
WillUnloadSearchResults(UISearchDisplayController, UITableView)
Indicates that the UISearchDisplayController is about to unload its results table view.