The members of Java.Text.DecimalFormatSymbols are listed below.
See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object
Constructs a new DecimalFormatSymbols containing the symbols for the user's default locale. | ||
Constructs a new DecimalFormatSymbols containing the symbols for the specified Locale. |
A constructor used when creating managed representations of JNI objects; called by the runtime. |
Currency | Java.Util.Currency. Returns the currency. | |
CurrencySymbol | string. Returns the currency symbol. | |
DecimalSeparator | char. Returns the character which represents the decimal point in a number. | |
Digit | char. Returns the character which represents a single digit in a format pattern. | |
ExponentSeparator | string. | |
GroupingSeparator | char. Returns the character used as the thousands separator in a number. | |
Infinity | string. Returns the string which represents infinity. | |
[read-only] static | Instance | DecimalFormatSymbols. Returns a new DecimalFormatSymbols instance for the user's default locale. |
InternationalCurrencySymbol | string. Returns the international currency symbol. | |
MinusSign | char. Returns the minus sign character. | |
MonetaryDecimalSeparator | char. Returns the character which represents the decimal point in a monetary value. | |
NaN | string. Returns the string which represents NaN. | |
PatternSeparator | char. Returns the character which separates the positive and negative patterns in a format pattern. | |
Percent | char. Returns the percent character. | |
PerMill | char. Returns the per mill sign character. | |
ZeroDigit | char. Returns the character which represents zero. |
[read-only] override | ThresholdClass | IntPtr. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
[read-only] override | ThresholdType | Type. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
Clone()Creates and returns a copy of this Object. | ||
static | GetAvailableLocales()Returns an array of locales for which custom DecimalFormatSymbols instances are available. | |
static | GetInstance(Java.Util.Locale)Returns a new DecimalFormatSymbols for the given locale. |