Member Name | Description |
Cif | Quality level corresponding to the cif (352 x 288) resolution.
High | Quality level corresponding to the highest available resolution.
HighSpeed1080p | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
HighSpeed2160p | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
HighSpeed480p | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
HighSpeed720p | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
HighSpeedHigh | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
HighSpeedLow | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
Low | Quality level corresponding to the lowest available resolution.
Q1080p | Quality level corresponding to the 1080p (1920 x 1080) resolution.
Note that the vertical resolution for 1080p can also be 1088,
instead of 1080 (used by some vendors to avoid cropping during
video playback).
Q2160p | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
Q480p | Quality level corresponding to the 480p (720 x 480) resolution.
Note that the horizontal resolution for 480p can also be other
values, such as 640 or 704, instead of 720.
Q720p | Quality level corresponding to the 720p (1280 x 720) resolution.
Qcif | Quality level corresponding to the qcif (176 x 144) resolution.
Qvga | Quality level corresponding to the QVGA (320x240) resolution.
TimeLapse1080p | Time lapse quality level corresponding to the 1080p (1920 x 1088) resolution.
TimeLapse2160p | Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
TimeLapse480p | Time lapse quality level corresponding to the 480p (720 x 480) resolution.
TimeLapse720p | Time lapse quality level corresponding to the 720p (1280 x 720) resolution.
TimeLapseCif | Time lapse quality level corresponding to the cif (352 x 288) resolution.
TimeLapseHigh | Time lapse quality level corresponding to the highest available resolution.
TimeLapseLow | Time lapse quality level corresponding to the lowest available resolution.
TimeLapseQcif | Time lapse quality level corresponding to the qcif (176 x 144) resolution.
TimeLapseQvga | Time lapse quality level corresponding to the QVGA (320 x 240) resolution.