MonoMac.CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform Members

The members of MonoMac.CoreGraphics.CGAffineTransform are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from System.ValueType

Public Constructors

Initializes an affine transformation from the matrix values.

Public Fields

x0float. X translation component of the affine transform.
xxfloat. XX component of the affine.
xyfloat. XY component of the affine.
y0float. Y translation component of the affine transformation.
yxfloat. YX component of the affine.
yyfloat. YY component of the affine.

Public Properties

IsIdentitybool. Determines if the affine corresponds to the identity affine.

Public Methods

CGAffineTransformInvert(CGAffineTransform) : CGAffineTransform
Inverts the affine transformation matrix.
CGRectApplyAffineTransform(System.Drawing.RectangleF, CGAffineTransform) : System.Drawing.RectangleF
Applies an affine transformation to a rectangle.
Equals(object) : bool
Compares the objects for equality.
GetHashCode() : int
The hashcode for this object.
Invert() : CGAffineTransform
Inverts this affine transformation.
MakeIdentity() : CGAffineTransform
Returns the identity affine transformation.
MakeRotation(float) : CGAffineTransform
Returns an affine transformation for the requested rotation angle.
MakeScale(float, float) : CGAffineTransform
Returns the affine transformation for the requested scaling in the X and Y coordinates.
MakeTranslation(float, float) : CGAffineTransform
Return the affine transformation for translating to the requested location.
Multiplies the current affine transformation by the specified affine transformation.
Multiply(CGAffineTransform, CGAffineTransform) : CGAffineTransform
Multiplies the two affine transformations and returns the result.
Applies a rotation to the affine by the specified angle in radians.
Scale(float, float)
Modify the affine to scale by the specified magnitudes.
ToString() : string
Renders the affine in textual form.
TransformPoint(System.Drawing.PointF) : System.Drawing.PointF
Transforms the coordinates of the provided point by the affine.
TransformRect(System.Drawing.RectangleF) : System.Drawing.RectangleF
Applies the affine transform to the supplied rectangle and returns the transformed rectangle.
Translate(float, float)
Translates the affine transform by modifying every X value by the supplied X parameter and every Y value by the supplied Y parameter.

Public Operators

Equality(CGAffineTransform, CGAffineTransform)Operator overload, compares two affines.
Inequality(CGAffineTransform, CGAffineTransform)Compares affines for inequality.
Multiply(CGAffineTransform, CGAffineTransform)Multiplies the two affine transformations and returns a new affine with the result.