Java.Security.Cert.X509CertSelector Members

The members of Java.Security.Cert.X509CertSelector are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Constructors

Creates a new X509CertSelector.

Protected Constructors

A constructor used when creating managed representations of JNI objects; called by the runtime.

Public Properties

BasicConstraintsint. Returns the criterion for the basic constraints extension.
CertificateX509Certificate. Returns the certificate that a matching certificate must be equal to.
CertificateValidJava.Util.Date. Returns the criterion for the validity date of the certificate.
ExtendedKeyUsageICollection<string>. Returns the criterion for the ExtendedKeyUsage extension.
IssuerJavax.Security.Auth.X500.X500Principal. Returns the issuer that a certificate must match.
IssuerAsStringstring. Do not use, use X509CertSelector.Issuer or X509CertSelector.GetIssuerAsBytes instead.
MatchAllSubjectAltNamesbool. Returns the flag for the matching behavior for subject alternative names.
PathToNamesICollection<IList<object>>. Returns the criterion for the pathToNames constraint.
PolicyICollection<string>. Returns the criterion for the policy constraint.
PrivateKeyValidJava.Util.Date. Returns the criterion for the validity date of the private key.
SerialNumberJava.Math.BigInteger. Returns the serial number that a certificate must match.
SubjectJavax.Security.Auth.X500.X500Principal. Returns the subject that a certificate must match.
SubjectAlternativeNamesICollection<IList<object>>. Returns the criterion for subject alternative names.
SubjectAsStringstring. Do not use, use X509CertSelector.Subject or X509CertSelector.GetSubjectAsBytes instead.
SubjectPublicKeyJava.Security.IPublicKey. Returns the criterion for the subject public key.
SubjectPublicKeyAlgIDstring. Returns the criterion for the subject public key signature algorithm.

Protected Properties

ThresholdClassIntPtr. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ThresholdTypeType. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Public Methods

AddPathToName(int, byte[])
Adds a "pathToName" to the respective criterion.
AddPathToName(int, string)
Adds a "pathToName" to the respective criterion.
AddSubjectAlternativeName(int, byte[])
Adds a subject alternative name to the respective criterion.
AddSubjectAlternativeName(int, string)
Adds a subject alternative name to the respective criterion.
Clone() : Java.Lang.Object
Clones this X509CertSelector instance.
GetAuthorityKeyIdentifier() : byte[]
Returns the criterion for the AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension.
GetIssuerAsBytes() : byte[]
Returns the issuer that a certificate must match.
GetKeyUsage() : bool[]
Returns the criterion for the KeyUsage extension.
GetNameConstraints() : byte[]
Returns the criterion for the name constraints.
GetSubjectAsBytes() : byte[]
Returns the subject that a certificate must match.
GetSubjectKeyIdentifier() : byte[]
Returns the criterion for the SubjectKeyIdentifier extension.
Match(Certificate) : bool
Returns whether the specified certificate matches all the criteria collected in this instance.
Sets the criterion for the AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension.
Sets the issuer that a certificate must match.
Do not use, use X509CertSelector.Issuer or X509CertSelector.GetIssuerAsBytes instead.
Sets the criterion for the KeyUsage extension.
Sets the criterion for the name constraints.
Sets the subject that a certificate must match.
Do not use, use X509CertSelector.SetSubject(Byte[]) or X509CertSelector.Subject instead.
Sets the criterion for the SubjectKeyIdentifier extension.
Sets the criterion for the subject public key.