Android.Views.InputMethods.InputMethodManager: Method Members

The methods of Android.Views.InputMethods.InputMethodManager are listed below. For a list of all members, see the InputMethodManager Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Methods

DisplayCompletions(Android.Views.View, CompletionInfo[])
FromContext(Android.Content.Context) : InputMethodManager
Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
GetEnabledInputMethodSubtypeList(InputMethodInfo, bool) : IList<InputMethodSubtype>
Returns a list of enabled input method subtypes for the specified input method info.
HideSoftInputFromInputMethod(Android.OS.IBinder, HideSoftInputFlags)
Close/hide the input method's soft input area, so the user no longer sees it or can interact with it.
HideSoftInputFromWindow(Android.OS.IBinder, HideSoftInputFlags) : bool
Synonym for InputMethodManager.HideSoftInputFromWindow(Android.OS.IBinder, Android.Views.InputMethods.HideSoftInputFlags, Android.Views.InputMethods.HideSoftInputFlags) without a result: request to hide the soft input window from the context of the window that is currently accepting input.
HideSoftInputFromWindow(Android.OS.IBinder, HideSoftInputFlags, Android.OS.ResultReceiver) : bool
Request to hide the soft input window from the context of the window that is currently accepting input.
InvokeIsActive(Android.Views.View) : bool
Return true if the given view is the currently active view for the input method.
IsWatchingCursor(Android.Views.View) : bool
Return true if the current input method wants to watch the location of the input editor's cursor in its window.
If the input method is currently connected to the given view, restart it with its new contents.
SendAppPrivateCommand(Android.Views.View, string, Android.OS.Bundle)
Call IInputMethodSession.AppPrivateCommand(string, Android.OS.Bundle) on the current Input Method.
SetAdditionalInputMethodSubtypes(string, InputMethodSubtype[])
Set additional input method subtypes.
SetCurrentInputMethodSubtype(InputMethodSubtype) : bool
Switch to a new input method subtype of the current input method.
SetInputMethod(Android.OS.IBinder, string)
Force switch to a new input method component.
SetInputMethodAndSubtype(Android.OS.IBinder, string, InputMethodSubtype)
Force switch to a new input method and subtype.
ShouldOfferSwitchingToNextInputMethod(Android.OS.IBinder) : bool
Returns true if the current IME needs to offer the users ways to switch to a next input method (e.g. a globe key.
Show the settings for enabling subtypes of the specified input method.
ShowSoftInput(Android.Views.View, ShowFlags) : bool
Synonym for InputMethodManager.ShowSoftInput(Android.Views.View, Android.Views.InputMethods.ShowFlags, Android.Views.InputMethods.ShowFlags) without a result receiver: explicitly request that the current input method's soft input area be shown to the user, if needed.
ShowSoftInput(Android.Views.View, ShowFlags, Android.OS.ResultReceiver) : bool
Explicitly request that the current input method's soft input area be shown to the user, if needed.
ShowSoftInputFromInputMethod(Android.OS.IBinder, ShowFlags)
Show the input method's soft input area, so the user sees the input method window and can interact with it.
ShowStatusIcon(Android.OS.IBinder, string, int)
SwitchToLastInputMethod(Android.OS.IBinder) : bool
Force switch to the last used input method and subtype.
SwitchToNextInputMethod(Android.OS.IBinder, bool) : bool
Force switch to the next input method and subtype.
ToggleSoftInput(ShowFlags, HideSoftInputFlags)
ToggleSoftInputFromWindow(Android.OS.IBinder, ShowSoftInputFlags, HideSoftInputFlags)
This method toggles the input method window display.
UpdateCursor(Android.Views.View, int, int, int, int)
Report the current cursor location in its window.
UpdateCursorAnchorInfo(Android.Views.View, CursorAnchorInfo)
Report positional change of the text insertion point and/or characters in the composition string.
UpdateExtractedText(Android.Views.View, int, ExtractedText)
UpdateSelection(Android.Views.View, int, int, int, int)
Report the current selection range.
Notify the event when the user tapped or clicked the text view.