See Also: KeyPairGeneratorSpec Members
This provides the required parameters needed for initializing the KeyPairGenerator that works with Android KeyStore facility. The Android KeyStore facility is accessed through a Java.Security.KeyPairGenerator API using the AndroidKeyStore provider. The context passed in may be used to pop up some UI to ask the user to unlock or initialize the Android KeyStore facility.
After generation, the keyStoreAlias is used with the Java.Security.KeyStore.GetEntry(string, .IProtectionParameter) interface to retrieve the Java.Security.PrivateKey and its associated Java.Security.Cert.Certificate chain.
The KeyPair generator will create a self-signed certificate with the subject as its X.509v3 Subject Distinguished Name and as its X.509v3 Issuer Distinguished Name along with the other parameters specified with the NoType:android/security/KeyPairGeneratorSpec$Builder;Href=../../../reference/android/security/KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder.html.
The self-signed X.509 certificate may be replaced at a later time by a certificate signed by a real Certificate Authority.