Android.Views.Animations.GridLayoutAnimationController Class
A layout animation controller is used to animated a grid layout's children.

See Also: GridLayoutAnimationController Members


[Android.Runtime.Register("android/view/animation/GridLayoutAnimationController", DoNotGenerateAcw=true)]
public class GridLayoutAnimationController : LayoutAnimationController


A layout animation controller is used to animated a grid layout's children. While Android.Views.Animations.LayoutAnimationController relies only on the index of the child in the view group to compute the animation delay, this class uses both the X and Y coordinates of the child within a grid. In addition, the animation direction can be controlled. The default direction is DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT | DIRECTION_TOP_TO_BOTTOM. You can also set the animation priority to columns or rows. The default priority is none. Information used to compute the animation delay of each child are stored in an instance of NoType:android/view/animation/GridLayoutAnimationController$AnimationParameters;Href=../../../../reference/android/view/animation/GridLayoutAnimationController.AnimationParameters.html, itself stored in the NoType:android/view/ViewGroup$LayoutParams;Href=../../../../reference/android/view/ViewGroup.LayoutParams.html of the view.

See Also

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Views.Animations
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 1