System.Windows.Forms.TabPage.UseVisualStyleBackColor Property

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the System.Windows.Forms.TabPage background renders using the current visual style when visual styles are enabled.


public bool UseVisualStyleBackColor { set; get; }


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The System.Windows.Forms.TabPage background uses the current visual style only when the TabPage.UseVisualStyleBackColor and Application.RenderWithVisualStyles property values are both true.

When the TabPage.UseVisualStyleBackColor and Application.RenderWithVisualStyles property values are both true and the TabControl.Appearance property of the parent System.Windows.Forms.TabControl is TabAppearance.Normal, the default value of the TabPage.BackColor property is System.Drawing.Color.Transparent. Child controls that you place on the System.Windows.Forms.TabPage inherit the TabPage.BackColor value by default, so this behavior causes the background of the child controls to render with the current visual style.

Changing the value of the TabPage.BackColor property automatically sets the TabPage.UseVisualStyleBackColor property to false. If you want the System.Windows.Forms.TabPage background to render using visual styles but you want the child controls to inherit a TabPage.BackColor value that you specify, set the TabPage.UseVisualStyleBackColor property after you set the TabPage.BackColor property.


Namespace: System.Windows.Forms
Assembly: System.Windows.Forms (in System.Windows.Forms.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: .NET 2.0