Android.Content.PM.ActivityInfoFlags Enumeration
Enumerates values returned by several types.


public enum ActivityInfoFlags


Enumerates value returned by the following: .


Member NameDescription
AllowTaskReparentingBit in ActivityInfo.Flags that indicates that the activity can be moved between tasks based on its task affinity. Set from the Android.Resource.Attribute.AllowTaskReparenting attribute.
AlwaysRetainTaskStateBit in ActivityInfo.Flags indicating that, when the activity is the root of a task, that task's stack should never be cleared when it is relaunched from home. Set from the Android.Resource.Attribute.AlwaysRetainTaskState attribute.
AutoRemoveFromRecentsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
ClearTaskOnLaunchBit in ActivityInfo.Flags indicating that, when the activity is the root of a task, that task's stack should be cleared each time the user re-launches it from home. As a result, the user will always return to the original activity at the top of the task. This flag only applies to activities that are used to start the root of a new task. Set from the Android.Resource.Attribute.ClearTaskOnLaunch attribute.
ExcludeFromRecentsBit in ActivityInfo.Flags that indicates that the activity should not appear in the list of recently launched activities. Set from the Android.Resource.Attribute.ExcludeFromRecents attribute.
FinishOnCloseSystemDialogsBit in ActivityInfo.Flags indicating that, when a request to close system windows happens, this activity is finished. Set from the Android.Resource.Attribute.FinishOnCloseSystemDialogs attribute.
FinishOnTaskLaunchBit in ActivityInfo.Flags indicating that, when the activity's task is relaunched from home, this activity should be finished. Set from the Android.Resource.Attribute.FinishOnTaskLaunch attribute.
HardwareAcceleratedValue for ActivityInfo.Flags: true when the application's rendering should be hardware accelerated.
ImmersiveBit in ActivityInfo.Flags corresponding to an immersive activity that wishes not to be interrupted by notifications. Applications that hide the system notification bar with Android.Views.WindowManagerFlags.Fullscreen may still be interrupted by high-priority notifications; for example, an incoming phone call may use Android.App.Notification.FullScreenIntent to present a full-screen in-call activity to the user, pausing the current activity as a side-effect. An activity with ActivityInfoFlags.Immersive set, however, will not be interrupted; the notification may be shown in some other way (such as a small floating "toast" window). Note that this flag will always reflect the Activity's android:immersive manifest definition, even if the Activity's immersive state is changed at runtime via Android.App.Activity.Immersive.
MultiprocessBit in ActivityInfo.Flags indicating whether this activity is able to run in multiple processes. If true, the system may instantiate it in the some process as the process starting it in order to conserve resources. If false, the default, it always runs in ComponentInfo.ProcessName. Set from the Android.Resource.Attribute.Multiprocess attribute.
NoHistoryBit in ActivityInfo.Flags indicating that, when the user navigates away from an activity, it should be finished. Set from the Android.Resource.Attribute.NoHistory attribute.
NoneDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
RelinquishTaskIdentityDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
ResumeWhilePausingDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
SingleUserBit in ActivityInfo.Flags: If set, a single instance of the receiver will run for all users on the device. Set from the Android.Resource.Attribute.SingleUser attribute. Note that this flag is only relevant for ActivityInfo structures that are describing receiver components; it is not applied to activities.
StateNotNeededBit in ActivityInfo.Flags indicating that the activity's state is not required to be saved, so that if there is a failure the activity will not be removed from the activity stack. Set from the Android.Resource.Attribute.StateNotNeeded attribute.


Namespace: Android.Content.PM
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: