Android.Graphics.Canvas.DrawVertices Method
Draw the array of vertices, interpreted as triangles (based on mode).


[Android.Runtime.Register("drawVertices", "(Landroid/graphics/Canvas$VertexMode;I[FI[FI[II[SIILandroid/graphics/Paint;)V", "GetDrawVertices_Landroid_graphics_Canvas_VertexMode_IarrayFIarrayFIarrayIIarraySIILandroid_graphics_Paint_Handler")]
public virtual void DrawVertices (Canvas.VertexMode mode, int vertexCount, float[] verts, int vertOffset, float[] texs, int texOffset, int[] colors, int colorOffset, short[] indices, int indexOffset, int indexCount, Paint paint)


How to interpret the array of vertices
The number of values in the vertices array (and corresponding texs and colors arrays if non-null). Each logical vertex is two values (x, y), vertexCount must be a multiple of 2.
Array of vertices for the mesh
Number of values in the verts to skip before drawing.
May be null. If not null, specifies the coordinates to sample into the current shader (e.g. bitmap tile or gradient)
Number of values in texs to skip before drawing.
May be null. If not null, specifies a color for each vertex, to be interpolated across the triangle.
Number of values in colors to skip before drawing.
If not null, array of indices to reference into the vertex (texs, colors) array.
Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
number of entries in the indices array (if not null).
Specifies the shader to use if the texs array is non-null.


Draw the array of vertices, interpreted as triangles (based on mode). The verts array is required, and specifies the x,y pairs for each vertex. If texs is non-null, then it is used to specify the coordinate in shader coordinates to use at each vertex (the paint must have a shader in this case). If there is no texs array, but there is a color array, then each color is interpolated across its corresponding triangle in a gradient. If both texs and colors arrays are present, then they behave as before, but the resulting color at each pixels is the result of multiplying the colors from the shader and the color-gradient together. The indices array is optional, but if it is present, then it is used to specify the index of each triangle, rather than just walking through the arrays in order.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Graphics
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 1