Android.Views.VelocityTracker Members

The members of Android.Views.VelocityTracker are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Properties

XVelocityfloat. Retrieve the last computed X velocity.
YVelocityfloat. Retrieve the last computed Y velocity.

Protected Properties

ThresholdClassIntPtr. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ThresholdTypeType. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Public Methods

Add a user's movement to the tracker.
Reset the velocity tracker back to its initial state.
Equivalent to invoking VelocityTracker.ComputeCurrentVelocity(int, System.Single) with a maximum velocity of Float.
ComputeCurrentVelocity(int, float)
Compute the current velocity based on the points that have been collected.
GetXVelocity(int) : float
Retrieve the last computed X velocity.
GetYVelocity(int) : float
Retrieve the last computed Y velocity.
Obtain() : VelocityTracker
Retrieve a new VelocityTracker object to watch the velocity of a motion.
Return a VelocityTracker object back to be re-used by others.