Android.Telecom.TelecomManager: Field Members

The fields of Android.Telecom.TelecomManager are listed below. For a list of all members, see the TelecomManager Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Fields

ActionShowCallSettingsstring. The Android.Content.Intent action used to show the call settings page.
DtmfCharacterPausechar. The dual tone multi-frequency signaling character sent to indicate the dialing system should pause for a predefined period.
DtmfCharacterWaitchar. The dual-tone multi-frequency signaling character sent to indicate the dialing system should wait for user confirmation before proceeding.
ExtraCallDisconnectCausestring. Optional extra for Android.Telephony.TelephonyManager.ActionPhoneStateChanged containing the disconnect code.
ExtraCallDisconnectMessagestring. Optional extra for Android.Telephony.TelephonyManager.ActionPhoneStateChanged containing the disconnect message.
ExtraStartCallWithSpeakerphonestring. Optional extra for Android.Content.Intent.ActionCall containing a boolean that determines whether the speakerphone should be automatically turned on for an outgoing call.
GatewayOriginalAddressstring. An optional Android.Content.Intent.ActionCall intent extra corresponding to the original address to dial for the call.
GatewayProviderPackagestring. An optional Android.Content.Intent.ActionCall intent extra denoting the package name of the app specifying an alternative gateway for the call.