Android.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice Members

The members of Android.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Fields

ActionAclConnectedstring. Broadcast Action: Indicates a low level (ACL) connection has been established with a remote device.
ActionAclDisconnectedstring. Broadcast Action: Indicates a low level (ACL) disconnection from a remote device.
ActionAclDisconnectRequestedstring. Broadcast Action: Indicates that a low level (ACL) disconnection has been requested for a remote device, and it will soon be disconnected.
ActionBondStateChangedstring. Broadcast Action: Indicates a change in the bond state of a remote device.
ActionClassChangedstring. Broadcast Action: Bluetooth class of a remote device has changed.
ActionFoundstring. Broadcast Action: Remote device discovered.
ActionNameChangedstring. Broadcast Action: Indicates the friendly name of a remote device has been retrieved for the first time, or changed since the last retrieval.
ActionPairingRequeststring. Broadcast Action: This intent is used to broadcast PAIRING REQUEST
ActionUuidstring. Broadcast Action: This intent is used to broadcast the Java.Util.UUID wrapped as a Android.OS.ParcelUuid of the remote device after it has been fetched.
DeviceTypeClassicBluetoothDeviceType (1). Bluetooth device type, Classic - BR/EDR devices
DeviceTypeDualBluetoothDeviceType (3). Bluetooth device type, Dual Mode - BR/EDR/LE
DeviceTypeLeBluetoothDeviceType (2). Bluetooth device type, Low Energy - LE-only
DeviceTypeUnknownBluetoothDeviceType (0). Bluetooth device type, Unknown
Errorint (-2147483648). Sentinel error value for this class.
ExtraBondStatestring. Used as an int extra field in BluetoothDevice.ActionBondStateChanged intents.
ExtraClassstring. Used as a Parcelable Android.Bluetooth.BluetoothClass extra field in BluetoothDevice.ActionFound and BluetoothDevice.ActionClassChanged intents.
ExtraDevicestring. Used as a Parcelable Android.Bluetooth.BluetoothDevice extra field in every intent broadcast by this class.
ExtraNamestring. Used as a String extra field in BluetoothDevice.ActionNameChanged and BluetoothDevice.ActionFound intents.
ExtraPairingKeystring. Used as an int extra field in BluetoothDevice.ActionPairingRequest intents as the value of passkey.
ExtraPairingVariantstring. Used as an int extra field in BluetoothDevice.ActionPairingRequest intents to indicate pairing method used.
ExtraPreviousBondStatestring. Used as an int extra field in BluetoothDevice.ActionBondStateChanged intents.
ExtraRssistring. Used as an optional short extra field in BluetoothDevice.ActionFound intents.
ExtraUuidstring. Used as an extra field in BluetoothDevice.ActionUuid intents, Contains the Android.OS.ParcelUuids of the remote device which is a parcelable version of Java.Util.UUID.
PairingVariantPasskeyConfirmationint (2). The user will be prompted to confirm the passkey displayed on the screen or an app will confirm the passkey for the user.
PairingVariantPinint (0). The user will be prompted to enter a pin or an app will enter a pin for user.

Public Properties

Addressstring. Returns the hardware address of this BluetoothDevice.
BluetoothClassBluetoothClass. Get the Bluetooth class of the remote device.
BondStateBond. Get the bond state of the remote device.
Namestring. Get the friendly Bluetooth name of the remote device.
TypeBluetoothDeviceType. Get the Bluetooth device type of the remote device.

Protected Properties

ThresholdClassIntPtr. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ThresholdTypeType. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Public Methods

ConnectGatt(Android.Content.Context, bool, BluetoothGattCallback) : BluetoothGatt
Connect to GATT Server hosted by this device.
CreateBond() : bool
Start the bonding (pairing) process with the remote device.
CreateInsecureRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(Java.Util.UUID) : BluetoothSocket
Create an RFCOMM Android.Bluetooth.BluetoothSocket socket ready to start an insecure outgoing connection to this remote device using SDP lookup of uuid.
CreateRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(Java.Util.UUID) : BluetoothSocket
Create an RFCOMM Android.Bluetooth.BluetoothSocket ready to start a secure outgoing connection to this remote device using SDP lookup of uuid.
DescribeContents() : int
Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable's marshalled representation.
FetchUuidsWithSdp() : bool
Perform a service discovery on the remote device to get the UUIDs supported.
GetUuids() : Android.OS.ParcelUuid[]
Returns the supported features (UUIDs) of the remote device.
SetPairingConfirmation(bool) : bool
Confirm passkey for BluetoothDevice.PairingVariantPasskeyConfirmation pairing.
SetPin(byte[]) : bool
Set the pin during pairing when the pairing method is BluetoothDevice.PairingVariantPin
WriteToParcel(Android.OS.Parcel, Android.OS.ParcelableWriteFlags)
Flatten this object in to a Parcel.