Mono.Unix.Native.FilePermissions Enumeration
The FilePermissions enumeration describes file system modes (read,write,execute) as described in the POSIX standard.


public enum FilePermissions


A FilePermissions is the Unix mode_t type.


Member NameDescription
ACCESSPERMSAllow all user, group, and others read, write, and execute access (0777).
ALLPERMSAll permissions enabled, including set user ID and set group ID on execution bits (07777).
DEFFILEMODEDefault file mode: permit read and write access to owner, group, others (0666).
S_IFBLKBlock device.
S_IFCHRCharacter device.
S_IFIFOFirst In First Out (FIFO).
S_IFLNKSymbolic link.
S_IFMTBitmask for the file type bitfields.
S_IFREGRegular file.
S_IRGRPIs readable for group.
S_IROTHIs readable for others (everyone).
S_IRUSRIs readable by user (owner).
S_IRWXGGroup has read, write, and execute permissions.
S_IRWXOOthers have read, write, and execute permissions.
S_IRWXUOwner has read, write, and execute permissions.
S_ISGIDSet-group-id mode, indicating that the effective group ID of any user executing the file should be made the same as the group of the file.
S_ISUIDSet-user-id mode, indicating that the effective user ID of any user executing the file should be made the same as that of the owner of the file.
S_ISVTXIs sticky bit set.
S_IWGRPIs writable for group.
S_IWOTHIs writable for others (everyone).
S_IWUSRIs writable by user (owner).
S_IXGRPIs executable for group.
S_IXOTHIs executable for others (everyone).
S_IXUSRIs executable for user (owner).


Namespace: Mono.Unix.Native
Assembly: Mono.Posix (in Mono.Posix.dll)
Assembly Versions: 1.0.5000.0,,