Org.Xml.Sax.IContentHandler: Method Members

The methods of Org.Xml.Sax.IContentHandler are listed below. For a list of all members, see the IContentHandler Members list.

Public Methods

Characters(char[], int, int)
Receive notification of character data.
Receive notification of the end of a document.
EndElement(string, string, string)
Receive notification of the end of an element.
End the scope of a prefix-URI mapping.
IgnorableWhitespace(char[], int, int)
Receive notification of ignorable whitespace in element content.
ProcessingInstruction(string, string)
Receive notification of a processing instruction.
Receive an object for locating the origin of SAX document events.
Receive notification of a skipped entity.
Receive notification of the beginning of a document.
StartElement(string, string, string, IAttributes)
Receive notification of the beginning of an element.
StartPrefixMapping(string, string)
Begin the scope of a prefix-URI Namespace mapping.