System.Windows.Forms.ControlPaint Members

The members of System.Windows.Forms.ControlPaint are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from System.Object

Public Properties


Gets the color to use as the System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlDark color.

Public Methods

CreateHBitmap16Bit(System.Drawing.Bitmap, System.Drawing.Color) : IntPtr

Creates a 16-bit color bitmap.

CreateHBitmapColorMask(System.Drawing.Bitmap, IntPtr) : IntPtr

Creates a Win32 HBITMAP out of the image.

CreateHBitmapTransparencyMask(System.Drawing.Bitmap) : IntPtr

Creates a color mask for the specified bitmap that indicates which color should be displayed as transparent.

Dark(System.Drawing.Color) : System.Drawing.Color

Creates a new dark color object for the control from the specified color.

Dark(System.Drawing.Color, float) : System.Drawing.Color

Creates a new dark color object for the control from the specified color and darkens it by the specified percentage.

DarkDark(System.Drawing.Color) : System.Drawing.Color

Creates a new dark color object for the control from the specified color.

DrawBorder(System.Drawing.Graphics, System.Drawing.Rectangle, System.Drawing.Color, int, ButtonBorderStyle, System.Drawing.Color, int, ButtonBorderStyle, System.Drawing.Color, int, ButtonBorderStyle, System.Drawing.Color, int, ButtonBorderStyle)

Draws a border on a button-style control with the specified styles, colors, and border widths; on the specified graphics surface; and within the specified bounds.

DrawBorder(System.Drawing.Graphics, System.Drawing.Rectangle, System.Drawing.Color, ButtonBorderStyle)

Draws a border with the specified style and color, on the specified graphics surface, and within the specified bounds on a button-style control.

DrawBorder3D(System.Drawing.Graphics, System.Drawing.Rectangle)

Draws a three-dimensional style border on the specified graphics surface and within the specified bounds on a control.

DrawBorder3D(System.Drawing.Graphics, System.Drawing.Rectangle, Border3DStyle)

Draws a three-dimensional style border with the specified style, on the specified graphics surface, and within the specified bounds on a control.

DrawBorder3D(System.Drawing.Graphics, System.Drawing.Rectangle, Border3DStyle, Border3DSide)

Draws a three-dimensional style border with the specified style, on the specified graphics surface and sides, and within the specified bounds on a control.

DrawBorder3D(System.Drawing.Graphics, int, int, int, int)

Draws a three-dimensional style border on the specified graphics surface and within the specified bounds on a control.

DrawBorder3D(System.Drawing.Graphics, int, int, int, int, Border3DStyle)

Draws a three-dimensional style border with the specified style, on the specified graphics surface, and within the specified bounds on a control.

DrawBorder3D(System.Drawing.Graphics, int, int, int, int, Border3DStyle, Border3DSide)

Draws a three-dimensional style border with the specified style, on the specified graphics surface and side, and within the specified bounds on a control.

DrawButton(System.Drawing.Graphics, System.Drawing.Rectangle, ButtonState)

Draws a button control in the specified state, on the specified graphics surface, and within the specified bounds.

DrawButton(System.Drawing.Graphics, int, int, int, int, ButtonState)

Draws a button control in the specified state, on the specified graphics surface, and within the specified bounds.

DrawCaptionButton(System.Drawing.Graphics, System.Drawing.Rectangle, CaptionButton, ButtonState)

Draws the specified caption button control in the specified state, on the specified graphics surface, and within the specified bounds.

DrawCaptionButton(System.Drawing.Graphics, int, int, int, int, CaptionButton, ButtonState)

Draws the specified caption button control in the specified state, on the specified graphics surface, and within the specified bounds.

DrawCheckBox(System.Drawing.Graphics, System.Drawing.Rectangle, ButtonState)

Draws a check box control in the specified state, on the specified graphics surface, and within the specified bounds.

DrawCheckBox(System.Drawing.Graphics, int, int, int, int, ButtonState)

Draws a check box control in the specified state, on the specified graphics surface, and within the specified bounds.

DrawComboButton(System.Drawing.Graphics, System.Drawing.Rectangle, ButtonState)

Draws a drop-down button on a combo box control in the specified state, on the specified graphics surface, and within the specified bounds.

DrawComboButton(System.Drawing.Graphics, int, int, int, int, ButtonState)

Draws a drop-down button on a combo box control in the specified state, on the specified graphics surface, and within the specified bounds.

DrawContainerGrabHandle(System.Drawing.Graphics, System.Drawing.Rectangle)

Draws a container control grab handle glyph on the specified graphics surface and within the specified bounds.

DrawFocusRectangle(System.Drawing.Graphics, System.Drawing.Rectangle)

Draws a focus rectangle on the specified graphics surface and within the specified bounds.

DrawFocusRectangle(System.Drawing.Graphics, System.Drawing.Rectangle, System.Drawing.Color, System.Drawing.Color)

Draws a focus rectangle on the specified graphics surface and within the specified bounds.

DrawGrabHandle(System.Drawing.Graphics, System.Drawing.Rectangle, bool, bool)

Draws a standard selection grab handle glyph on the specified graphics surface, within the specified bounds, and in the specified state and style.

DrawGrid(System.Drawing.Graphics, System.Drawing.Rectangle, System.Drawing.Size, System.Drawing.Color)

Draws a grid of one-pixel dots with the specified spacing, within the specified bounds, on the specified graphics surface, and in the specified color.

DrawImageDisabled(System.Drawing.Graphics, System.Drawing.Image, int, int, System.Drawing.Color)

Draws the specified image in a disabled state.

DrawLockedFrame(System.Drawing.Graphics, System.Drawing.Rectangle, bool)

Draws a locked selection frame on the screen within the specified bounds and on the specified graphics surface. Specifies whether to draw the frame with the primary selected colors.

DrawMenuGlyph(System.Drawing.Graphics, System.Drawing.Rectangle, MenuGlyph)

Draws the specified menu glyph on a menu item control within the specified bounds and on the specified surface.

DrawMenuGlyph(System.Drawing.Graphics, System.Drawing.Rectangle, MenuGlyph, System.Drawing.Color, System.Drawing.Color)

Draws the specified menu glyph on a menu item control within the specified bounds and on the specified surface, replacing System.Drawing.Color.White with the color specified in the backColor parameter and replacing System.Drawing.Color.Black with the color specified in the foreColor parameter.

DrawMenuGlyph(System.Drawing.Graphics, int, int, int, int, MenuGlyph)

Draws the specified menu glyph on a menu item control with the specified bounds and on the specified surface.

DrawMenuGlyph(System.Drawing.Graphics, int, int, int, int, MenuGlyph, System.Drawing.Color, System.Drawing.Color)

Draws the specified menu glyph on a menu item control within the specified coordinates, height, and width on the specified surface, replacing System.Drawing.Color.White with the color specified in the backColor parameter and replacing System.Drawing.Color.Black with the color specified in the foreColor parameter.

DrawMixedCheckBox(System.Drawing.Graphics, System.Drawing.Rectangle, ButtonState)

Draws a three-state check box control in the specified state, on the specified graphics surface, and within the specified bounds.

DrawMixedCheckBox(System.Drawing.Graphics, int, int, int, int, ButtonState)

Draws a three-state check box control in the specified state, on the specified graphics surface, and within the specified bounds.

DrawRadioButton(System.Drawing.Graphics, System.Drawing.Rectangle, ButtonState)

Draws a radio button control in the specified state, on the specified graphics surface, and within the specified bounds.

DrawRadioButton(System.Drawing.Graphics, int, int, int, int, ButtonState)

Draws a radio button control in the specified state, on the specified graphics surface, and within the specified bounds.

DrawReversibleFrame(System.Drawing.Rectangle, System.Drawing.Color, FrameStyle)

Draws a reversible frame on the screen within the specified bounds, with the specified background color, and in the specified state.

DrawReversibleLine(System.Drawing.Point, System.Drawing.Point, System.Drawing.Color)

Draws a reversible line on the screen within the specified starting and ending points and with the specified background color.

DrawScrollButton(System.Drawing.Graphics, System.Drawing.Rectangle, ScrollButton, ButtonState)

Draws the specified scroll button on a scroll bar control in the specified state, on the specified graphics surface, and within the specified bounds.

DrawScrollButton(System.Drawing.Graphics, int, int, int, int, ScrollButton, ButtonState)

Draws the specified scroll button on a scroll bar control in the specified state, on the specified graphics surface, and within the specified bounds.

DrawSelectionFrame(System.Drawing.Graphics, bool, System.Drawing.Rectangle, System.Drawing.Rectangle, System.Drawing.Color)

Draws a standard selection frame in the specified state, on the specified graphics surface, with the specified inner and outer dimensions, and with the specified background color.

DrawSizeGrip(System.Drawing.Graphics, System.Drawing.Color, System.Drawing.Rectangle)

Draws a size grip on a form with the specified bounds and background color and on the specified graphics surface.

DrawSizeGrip(System.Drawing.Graphics, System.Drawing.Color, int, int, int, int)

Draws a size grip on a form with the specified bounds and background color and on the specified graphics surface.

DrawStringDisabled(System.Drawing.Graphics, string, System.Drawing.Font, System.Drawing.Color, System.Drawing.RectangleF, System.Drawing.StringFormat)

Draws the specified string in a disabled state on the specified graphics surface; within the specified bounds; and in the specified font, color, and format.

DrawStringDisabled(System.Drawing.IDeviceContext, string, System.Drawing.Font, System.Drawing.Color, System.Drawing.Rectangle, TextFormatFlags)

Draws the specified string in a disabled state on the specified graphics surface, within the specified bounds, and in the specified font, color, and format, using the specified GDI-based System.Windows.Forms.TextRenderer.

DrawVisualStyleBorder(System.Drawing.Graphics, System.Drawing.Rectangle)

Draws a border in the style appropriate for disabled items.

FillReversibleRectangle(System.Drawing.Rectangle, System.Drawing.Color)

Draws a filled, reversible rectangle on the screen.

Light(System.Drawing.Color) : System.Drawing.Color

Creates a new light color object for the control from the specified color.

Light(System.Drawing.Color, float) : System.Drawing.Color

Creates a new light color object for the control from the specified color and lightens it by the specified percentage.

LightLight(System.Drawing.Color) : System.Drawing.Color

Creates a new light color object for the control from the specified color.