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Get a list of supported high speed video recording FPS ranges.
When HIGH_SPEED_VIDEO is supported in Android.Hardware.Camera2.CameraCharacteristics.ControlAvailableSceneModes, this method will list the supported high speed video FPS range configurations. Application can then use StreamConfigurationMap.getHighSpeedVideoSizesFor(android.util.Range<java.lang.Integer>) to query available sizes for one of returned FPS range.
To enable high speed video recording, application must set Android.Hardware.Camera2.CaptureRequest.ControlSceneMode to Android.Hardware.Camera2.CameraMetadata.CONTROL_SCENE_MODE_HIGH_SPEED_VIDEO in capture requests and select the video size from StreamConfigurationMap.getHighSpeedVideoSizesFor(android.util.Range<java.lang.Integer>) and Android.Hardware.Camera2.CaptureRequest.ControlAeTargetFpsRange from this method to configure the recording and preview streams and setup the recording requests. For example, if the application intends to do high speed recording, it can select one FPS range reported by this method, query the video sizes corresponding to this FPS range by StreamConfigurationMap.getHighSpeedVideoSizesFor(android.util.Range<java.lang.Integer>) and select one of reported sizes to configure output streams. Note that for the use case of multiple output streams, application must select one unique size from StreamConfigurationMap.getHighSpeedVideoSizesFor(android.util.Range<java.lang.Integer>), and use it for all output streams. Otherwise a request error might occur when attempting to enable Android.Hardware.Camera2.CameraMetadata.CONTROL_SCENE_MODE_HIGH_SPEED_VIDEO. Once the stream is configured, application can set the FPS range in the recording requests.