Android.Media.MediaRouter: Method Members

The methods of Android.Media.MediaRouter are listed below. For a list of all members, see the MediaRouter Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Methods

AddCallback(MediaRouteType, MediaRouter.Callback)
Add a callback to listen to events about specific kinds of media routes.
AddCallback(MediaRouteType, MediaRouter.Callback, MediaRouterCallbackFlags)
Add a callback to listen to events about specific kinds of media routes.
Add an app-specified route for media to the MediaRouter.
Remove all app-specified routes from the MediaRouter.
CreateRouteCategory(Java.Lang.ICharSequence, bool) : MediaRouter.RouteCategory
Create a new route category.
CreateRouteCategory(int, bool) : MediaRouter.RouteCategory
Create a new route category.
CreateRouteCategory(string, bool) : MediaRouter.RouteCategory
Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
CreateUserRoute(MediaRouter.RouteCategory) : MediaRouter.UserRouteInfo
Create a new user route that may be modified and registered for use by the application.
GetCategoryAt(int) : MediaRouter.RouteCategory
Return the NoType:android/media/MediaRouter$RouteCategory;Href=../../../reference/android/media/MediaRouter.RouteCategory.html at the given index.
GetRouteAt(int) : MediaRouter.RouteInfo
Return the route at the specified index.
GetSelectedRoute(MediaRouteType) : MediaRouter.RouteInfo
Return the currently selected route for any of the given types
Remove the specified callback.
Remove an app-specified route for media from the MediaRouter.
SelectRoute(MediaRouteType, MediaRouter.RouteInfo)
Select the specified route to use for output of the given media types.