
Defines extended capabilities for client-based application settings providers.

See Also: IApplicationSettingsProvider Members


public interface IApplicationSettingsProvider


The application settings architecture enables you to provide a custom storage mechanism for application settings by creating a custom settings provider, which is a class derived from System.Configuration.SettingsProvider. Such a class contains the basic functionality for storing and retrieving properties. However, you can add additional standardized functionality by implementing the System.Configuration.IApplicationSettingsProvider interface in the custom settings provider. This interface contains three methods that primarily enable the settings provider to more intelligently handle application version changes. Typically, the settings provider will store application settings for different versions of an application separately to anticipate the following circumstances:

The System.Configuration.LocalFileSettingsProvider class implements the System.Configuration.IApplicationSettingsProvider interface. The same set of methods contained by System.Configuration.IApplicationSettingsProvider is also found in the System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase class, enabling the establishment of a predefined communication channel between an application settings wrapper and its settings provider.


This interface is optional. If a provider does not implement this interface, the settings infrastructure will fail without notification if it attempts to access any of the methods defined by this interface.


Namespace: System.Configuration
Assembly: System (in System.dll)
Assembly Versions:,
Since: .NET 2.0