System.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument: Method Members

The methods of System.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument are listed below. For a list of all members, see the HtmlDocument Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from System.Object

Public Methods

AttachEventHandler(string, EventHandler)

Adds an event handler for the named HTML DOM event.

CreateElement(string) : HtmlElement

Creates a new HtmlElement of the specified HTML tag type.

DetachEventHandler(string, EventHandler)

Removes an event handler from a named event on the HTML DOM.

Equals(object) : bool

Tests the object for equality against the current object.

ExecCommand(string, bool, object)

Executes the specified command against the document.


Sets user input focus on the current document.

GetElementById(string) : HtmlElement

Retrieves a single System.Windows.Forms.HtmlElement using the element's ID attribute as a search key.

GetElementFromPoint(System.Drawing.Point) : HtmlElement

Retrieves the HTML element located at the specified client coordinates.

GetElementsByTagName(string) : HtmlElementCollection

Retrieve a collection of elements with the specified HTML tag.

GetHashCode() : int

Retrieves the hash code for this object.

InvokeScript(string) : object

Executes an Active Scripting function defined in an HTML page.

InvokeScript(string, object[]) : object

Executes an Active Scripting function defined in an HTML page.

OpenNew(bool) : HtmlDocument

Gets a new System.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument to use with the HtmlDocument.Write(string) method.


Writes a new HTML page.