Android.Content.Intent Class
An intent is an abstract description of an operation to be performed.

See Also: Intent Members


[Android.Runtime.Register("android/content/Intent", DoNotGenerateAcw=true)]
public class Intent : Java.Lang.Object, Android.OS.IParcelable, Java.Lang.ICloneable, IDisposable


An intent is an abstract description of an operation to be performed. It can be used with Context.StartActivity(Intent) to launch an Android.App.Activity, Context.SendBroadcast(Intent) to send it to any interested Android.Content.BroadcastReceiver components, and Context.StartService(Intent) or Context.BindService(Intent, Android.Content.IServiceConnection, Android.Content.IServiceConnection) to communicate with a background Android.App.Service.

An Intent provides a facility for performing late runtime binding between the code in different applications. Its most significant use is in the launching of activities, where it can be thought of as the glue between activities. It is basically a passive data structure holding an abstract description of an action to be performed.

Developer Guides

For information about how to create and resolve intents, read the Intents and Intent Filters developer guide.

Intent Structure

The primary pieces of information in an intent are:

action -- The general action to be performed, such as Intent.ActionView, Intent.ActionEdit, Intent.ActionMain, etc.

data -- The data to operate on, such as a person record in the contacts database, expressed as a Android.Net.Uri.

Some examples of action/data pairs are:

Intent.ActionViewcontent://contacts/people/1 -- Display information about the person whose identifier is "1".

Intent.ActionDialcontent://contacts/people/1 -- Display the phone dialer with the person filled in.

Intent.ActionViewtel:123 -- Display the phone dialer with the given number filled in. Note how the VIEW action does what what is considered the most reasonable thing for a particular URI.

Intent.ActionDialtel:123 -- Display the phone dialer with the given number filled in.

Intent.ActionEditcontent://contacts/people/1 -- Edit information about the person whose identifier is "1".

Intent.ActionViewcontent://contacts/people/ -- Display a list of people, which the user can browse through. This example is a typical top-level entry into the Contacts application, showing you the list of people. Selecting a particular person to view would result in a new intent { Intent.ActionViewcontent://contacts/N } being used to start an activity to display that person.

In addition to these primary attributes, there are a number of secondary attributes that you can also include with an intent:

category -- Gives additional information about the action to execute. For example, Intent.CategoryLauncher means it should appear in the Launcher as a top-level application, while Intent.CategoryAlternative means it should be included in a list of alternative actions the user can perform on a piece of data.

type -- Specifies an explicit type (a MIME type) of the intent data. Normally the type is inferred from the data itself. By setting this attribute, you disable that evaluation and force an explicit type.

component -- Specifies an explicit name of a component class to use for the intent. Normally this is determined by looking at the other information in the intent (the action, data/type, and categories) and matching that with a component that can handle it. If this attribute is set then none of the evaluation is performed, and this component is used exactly as is. By specifying this attribute, all of the other Intent attributes become optional.

extras -- This is a Android.OS.Bundle of any additional information. This can be used to provide extended information to the component. For example, if we have a action to send an e-mail message, we could also include extra pieces of data here to supply a subject, body, etc.

Here are some examples of other operations you can specify as intents using these additional parameters:

Intent.ActionMain with category Intent.CategoryHome -- Launch the home screen.

Intent.ActionGetContent with MIME type NoType:android/provider/Contacts$Phones;Href=../../../reference/android/provider/Contacts.Phones.html#CONTENT_URI -- Display the list of people's phone numbers, allowing the user to browse through them and pick one and return it to the parent activity.

Intent.ActionGetContent with MIME type */* and category Intent.CategoryOpenable -- Display all pickers for data that can be opened with ContentResolver.OpenInputStream(Android.Net.Uri), allowing the user to pick one of them and then some data inside of it and returning the resulting URI to the caller. This can be used, for example, in an e-mail application to allow the user to pick some data to include as an attachment.

There are a variety of standard Intent action and category constants defined in the Intent class, but applications can also define their own. These strings use java style scoping, to ensure they are unique -- for example, the standard Intent.ActionView is called "android.intent.action.VIEW".

Put together, the set of actions, data types, categories, and extra data defines a language for the system allowing for the expression of phrases such as "call john smith's cell". As applications are added to the system, they can extend this language by adding new actions, types, and categories, or they can modify the behavior of existing phrases by supplying their own activities that handle them.

Intent Resolution

There are two primary forms of intents you will use.

When using implicit intents, given such an arbitrary intent we need to know what to do with it. This is handled by the process of Intent resolution, which maps an Intent to an Android.App.Activity, Android.Content.BroadcastReceiver, or Android.App.Service (or sometimes two or more activities/receivers) that can handle it.

The intent resolution mechanism basically revolves around matching an Intent against all of the <intent-filter> descriptions in the installed application packages. (Plus, in the case of broadcasts, any Android.Content.BroadcastReceiver objects explicitly registered with Context.RegisterReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, Android.Content.IntentFilter).) More details on this can be found in the documentation on the Android.Content.IntentFilter class.

There are three pieces of information in the Intent that are used for resolution: the action, type, and category. Using this information, a query is done on the Android.Content.PM.PackageManager for a component that can handle the intent. The appropriate component is determined based on the intent information supplied in the AndroidManifest.xml file as follows:

The action, if given, must be listed by the component as one it handles.

The type is retrieved from the Intent's data, if not already supplied in the Intent. Like the action, if a type is included in the intent (either explicitly or implicitly in its data), then this must be listed by the component as one it handles.

The categories, if supplied, must all be listed by the activity as categories it handles. That is, if you include the categories Intent.CategoryLauncher and Intent.CategoryAlternative, then you will only resolve to components with an intent that lists both of those categories. Activities will very often need to support the Intent.CategoryDefault so that they can be found by Context.StartActivity(Intent).

For example, consider the Note Pad sample application that allows user to browse through a list of notes data and view details about individual items. Text in italics indicate places were you would replace a name with one specific to your own package.

xml Example

 <manifest xmlns:android=""
     <application android:icon="@drawable/app_notes"

         <provider class=".NotePadProvider"
                 android:authorities="" />

         <activity class=".NotesList" android:label="@string/title_notes_list">
                 <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                 <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
                 <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
                 <action android:name="android.intent.action.EDIT" />
                 <action android:name="android.intent.action.PICK" />
                 <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
                 <data android:mimeType="" />
                 <action android:name="android.intent.action.GET_CONTENT" />
                 <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
                 <data android:mimeType="" />

         <activity class=".NoteEditor" android:label="@string/title_note">
             <intent-filter android:label="@string/resolve_edit">
                 <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
                 <action android:name="android.intent.action.EDIT" />
                 <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
                 <data android:mimeType="" />

                 <action android:name="android.intent.action.INSERT" />
                 <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
                 <data android:mimeType="" />


         <activity class=".TitleEditor" android:label="@string/title_edit_title"
             <intent-filter android:label="@string/resolve_title">
                 <action android:name="" />
                 <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
                 <category android:name="android.intent.category.ALTERNATIVE" />
                 <category android:name="android.intent.category.SELECTED_ALTERNATIVE" />
                 <data android:mimeType="" />


The first activity,, serves as our main entry into the app. It can do three things as described by its three intent templates:

  1. xml Example

         <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
         <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
  2. xml Example

         <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
         <action android:name="android.intent.action.EDIT" />
         <action android:name="android.intent.action.PICK" />
         <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
         <data mimeType:name="" />
  3. xml Example

         <action android:name="android.intent.action.GET_CONTENT" />
         <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
         <data android:mimeType="" />

This provides a top-level entry into the NotePad application: the standard MAIN action is a main entry point (not requiring any other information in the Intent), and the LAUNCHER category says that this entry point should be listed in the application launcher.

This declares the things that the activity can do on a directory of notes. The type being supported is given with the <type> tag, where is a URI from which a Cursor of zero or more items ( can be retrieved which holds our note pad data ( The activity allows the user to view or edit the directory of data (via the VIEW and EDIT actions), or to pick a particular note and return it to the caller (via the PICK action). Note also the DEFAULT category supplied here: this is required for the Context.StartActivity(Intent) method to resolve your activity when its component name is not explicitly specified.

This filter describes the ability return to the caller a note selected by the user without needing to know where it came from. The data type is a URI from which a Cursor of exactly one ( item can be retrieved which contains our note pad data ( The GET_CONTENT action is similar to the PICK action, where the activity will return to its caller a piece of data selected by the user. Here, however, the caller specifies the type of data they desire instead of the type of data the user will be picking from.

Given these capabilities, the following intents will resolve to the NotesList activity:

{ } matches all of the activities that can be used as top-level entry points into an application.

{, } is the actual intent used by the Launcher to populate its top-level list.

{ action=android.intent.action.VIEW data=content:// } displays a list of all the notes under "content://", which the user can browse through and see the details on.

{ data=content:// } provides a list of the notes under "content://", from which the user can pick a note whose data URL is returned back to the caller.

{ } is similar to the pick action, but allows the caller to specify the kind of data they want back so that the system can find the appropriate activity to pick something of that data type.

The second activity,, shows the user a single note entry and allows them to edit it. It can do two things as described by its two intent templates:

  1. xml Example

     <intent-filter android:label="@string/resolve_edit">
         <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
         <action android:name="android.intent.action.EDIT" />
         <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
         <data android:mimeType="" />
  2. xml Example

         <action android:name="android.intent.action.INSERT" />
         <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
         <data android:mimeType="" />

The first, primary, purpose of this activity is to let the user interact with a single note, as decribed by the MIME type The activity can either VIEW a note or allow the user to EDIT it. Again we support the DEFAULT category to allow the activity to be launched without explicitly specifying its component.

The secondary use of this activity is to insert a new note entry into an existing directory of notes. This is used when the user creates a new note: the INSERT action is executed on the directory of notes, causing this activity to run and have the user create the new note data which it then adds to the content provider.

Given these capabilities, the following intents will resolve to the NoteEditor activity:

{ action=android.intent.action.VIEW data=content://{ID} } shows the user the content of note {ID}.

{ data=content://{ID} } allows the user to edit the content of note {ID}.

{ data=content:// } creates a new, empty note in the notes list at "content://" and allows the user to edit it. If they keep their changes, the URI of the newly created note is returned to the caller.

The last activity,, allows the user to edit the title of a note. This could be implemented as a class that the application directly invokes (by explicitly setting its component in the Intent), but here we show a way you can publish alternative operations on existing data:

xml Example

 <intent-filter android:label="@string/resolve_title">
     <action android:name="" />
     <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
     <category android:name="android.intent.category.ALTERNATIVE" />
     <category android:name="android.intent.category.SELECTED_ALTERNATIVE" />
     <data android:mimeType="" />

In the single intent template here, we have created our own private action called which means to edit the title of a note. It must be invoked on a specific note (data type like the previous view and edit actions, but here displays and edits the title contained in the note data.

In addition to supporting the default category as usual, our title editor also supports two other standard categories: ALTERNATIVE and SELECTED_ALTERNATIVE. Implementing these categories allows others to find the special action it provides without directly knowing about it, through the Android.Content.PM.PackageManager.QueryIntentActivityOptions(ComponentName, Android.Content.Intent[], Android.Content.Intent[], Android.Content.Intent[]) method, or more often to build dynamic menu items with Android.Views.Menu.addIntentOptions(int, int, int, android.content.ComponentName, android.content.Intent[], android.content.Intent, int, android.view.MenuItem[]). Note that in the intent template here was also supply an explicit name for the template (via android:label="@string/resolve_title") to better control what the user sees when presented with this activity as an alternative action to the data they are viewing.

Given these capabilities, the following intent will resolve to the TitleEditor activity:

{ data=content://{ID} } displays and allows the user to edit the title associated with note {ID}.

Standard Activity Actions

These are the current standard actions that Intent defines for launching activities (usually through Context.StartActivity(Intent). The most important, and by far most frequently used, are Intent.ActionMain and Intent.ActionEdit.

Standard Broadcast Actions

These are the current standard actions that Intent defines for receiving broadcasts (usually through Context.RegisterReceiver(BroadcastReceiver, Android.Content.IntentFilter) or a <receiver> tag in a manifest).

Standard Categories

These are the current standard categories that can be used to further clarify an Intent via Intent.AddCategory(string).

Standard Extra Data

These are the current standard fields that can be used as extra data via Intent.PutExtra(string, Android.OS.Bundle).


These are the possible flags that can be used in the Intent via Intent.SetFlags(ActivityFlags) and Intent.AddFlags(ActivityFlags). See Intent.SetFlags(ActivityFlags) for a list of all possible flags.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Content
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 1