UIKit.UINavigationItem Members

The members of UIKit.UINavigationItem are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Foundation.NSObject

Public Constructors

Default constructor that initializes a new instance of this class with no parameters.
A constructor that initializes the object from the data stored in the unarchiver object.
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Protected Constructors

Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.
A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects; Called by the runtime.

Public Properties

BackBarButtonItemUIBarButtonItem. The UIKit.UIBarButtonItem used for "Back" button functionality.
ClassHandleIntPtr. The handle for this class.
HidesBackButtonbool. Whether the back button is hidden.
LeftBarButtonItemUIBarButtonItem. The first item in the UINavigationItem.LeftBarButtonItems array.
LeftBarButtonItemsUIBarButtonItem[]. An array of UIKit.UIBarButtonItems to be displayed on the left side of the UIKit.UINavigationBar.
LeftItemsSupplementBackButtonbool. Whether the UINavigationItem.BackBarButtonItem should be shown in addition to the UINavigationItem.LeftBarButtonItems.
Promptstring. A line of text displayed across the top of the navigation bar.
RightBarButtonItemUIBarButtonItem. The first item in the UINavigationItem.RightBarButtonItems array.
RightBarButtonItemsUIBarButtonItem[]. An array of UIKit.UIBarButtonItems displayed to the right of the UINavigationItem.TitleView.
Titlestring. A value to be displayed in the center of the navigation bar.
TitleViewUIView. A view that is displayed in the center of the navigation bar.

Public Methods

Encodes the state of the object on the provided encoder
SetHidesBackButton(bool, bool)
Sets whether the back button is hidden, with the option to animate the change.
SetLeftBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonItem, bool)
Specifies the button to appear on the left-hand side, optionally animating its assignment.
SetLeftBarButtonItems(UIBarButtonItem[], bool)
Sets multiple buttons to be displayed on the left side of the navigation bar, optionally animating their assignment.
SetRightBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonItem, bool)
Sets the button to display on the right side of the navigation bar, optionally animating its assignment.
SetRightBarButtonItems(UIBarButtonItem[], bool)
Sets multiple buttons to be displayed on the right side of the navigation bar, optionally animating their assignment.

Protected Methods

Releases the resources used by the UINavigationItem object.