- device
- Bluetooth headset
Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
Start Bluetooth voice recognition. This methods sends the voice recognition AT command to the headset and establishes the audio connection.
Users can listen to BluetoothHeadset.ActionAudioStateChanged. If this function returns true, this intent will be broadcasted with BluetoothProfile.ExtraState set to BluetoothHeadset.StateAudioConnecting.
BluetoothProfile.ExtraState will transition from BluetoothHeadset.StateAudioConnecting to BluetoothHeadset.StateAudioConnected when audio connection is established and to BluetoothHeadset.StateAudioDisconnected in case of failure to establish the audio connection.
Requires NoType:android/Manifest$permission;Href=../../../reference/android/Manifest.permission.html#BLUETOOTH permission.