Android.App.Job.JobScheduler Class
This is an API for scheduling various types of jobs against the framework that will be executed in your application's own process.

See Also: JobScheduler Members


[Android.Runtime.Register("android/app/job/JobScheduler", DoNotGenerateAcw=true)]
public abstract class JobScheduler : Java.Lang.Object


This is an API for scheduling various types of jobs against the framework that will be executed in your application's own process.

See Android.App.Job.JobInfo for more description of the types of jobs that can be run and how to construct them. You will construct these JobInfo objects and pass them to the JobScheduler with JobScheduler.Schedule(JobInfo). When the criteria declared are met, the system will execute this job on your application's Android.App.Job.JobService. You identify which JobService is meant to execute the logic for your job when you create the JobInfo with NoType:android/app/job/JobInfo$Builder;Href=../../../../reference/android/app/job/JobInfo.Builder.html#JobInfo.Builder(int, android.content.ComponentName).

The framework will be intelligent about when you receive your callbacks, and attempt to batch and defer them as much as possible. Typically if you don't specify a deadline on your job, it can be run at any moment depending on the current state of the JobScheduler's internal queue, however it might be deferred as long as until the next time the device is connected to a power source.

You do not instantiate this class directly; instead, retrieve it through Android.Content.Context.GetSystemService(string).

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.App.Job
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: