Android.Views.Animations.Animation.FillBefore Property
If fillBefore is true, this animation will apply its transformation before the start time of the animation.


[get: Android.Runtime.Register("getFillBefore", "()Z", "GetGetFillBeforeHandler")]
[set: Android.Runtime.Register("setFillBefore", "(Z)V", "GetSetFillBefore_ZHandler")]
public virtual bool FillBefore { get; set; }

See Also



Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.


Get method documentation [Android Documentation]

If fillBefore is true, this animation will apply its transformation before the start time of the animation. If fillBefore is false and Animation.FillEnabled is true, the transformation will not be applied until the start time of the animation.

Set method documentation [Android Documentation]

If fillBefore is true, this animation will apply its transformation before the start time of the animation. Defaults to true if Animation.FillEnabled is not set to true. Note that this applies when using an Android.Views.Animations.AnimationSet to chain animations. The transformation is not applied before the AnimationSet itself starts.


Namespace: Android.Views.Animations
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 1