- activity
- The Android.App.Activity context to use for launching the new sub-Activity to prompt the user to select a private key; used only to call startActivity(); must not be null.
- response
- Callback to invoke when the request completes; must not be null
- keyTypes
- The acceptable types of asymmetric keys such as "RSA" or "DSA", or a null array.
- issuers
- The acceptable certificate issuers for the certificate matching the private key, or null.
- host
- The host name of the server requesting the certificate, or null if unavailable.
- port
- The port number of the server requesting the certificate, or -1 if unavailable.
- alias
- The alias to preselect if available, or null if unavailable.
Launches an Activity for the user to select the alias for a private key and certificate pair for authentication. The selected alias or null will be returned via the KeyChainAliasCallback callback.
keyTypes and issuers may be used to highlight suggested choices to the user, although to cope with sometimes erroneous values provided by servers, the user may be able to override these suggestions.
host and port may be used to give the user more context about the server requesting the credentials.
alias allows the chooser to preselect an existing alias which will still be subject to user confirmation.