Android.App.DownloadError Enumeration
Enumerates values returned by several types.


public enum DownloadError


Enumerates value returned by the following: .


Member NameDescription
CannotResumeValue of DownloadManager.ColumnReason when some possibly transient error occurred but we can't resume the download.
DeviceNotFoundValue of DownloadManager.ColumnReason when no external storage device was found. Typically, this is because the SD card is not mounted.
FileAlreadyExistsValue of DownloadManager.ColumnReason when the requested destination file already exists (the download manager will not overwrite an existing file).
FileErrorValue of DownloadManager.ColumnReason when a storage issue arises which doesn't fit under any other error code. Use the more specific DownloadManager.ErrorInsufficientSpace and DownloadManager.ErrorDeviceNotFound when appropriate.
HttpDataErrorValue of DownloadManager.ColumnReason when an error receiving or processing data occurred at the HTTP level.
InsufficientSpaceValue of DownloadManager.ColumnReason when there was insufficient storage space. Typically, this is because the SD card is full.
TooManyRedirectsValue of DownloadManager.ColumnReason when there were too many redirects.
UnhandledHttpCodeValue of DownloadManager.ColumnReason when an HTTP code was received that download manager can't handle.
UnknownValue of COLUMN_ERROR_CODE when the download has completed with an error that doesn't fit under any other error code.


Namespace: Android.App
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: