Android.App.ListFragment.SetListShown Method
Control whether the list is being displayed.


[Android.Runtime.Register("setListShown", "(Z)V", "GetSetListShown_ZHandler")]
public virtual void SetListShown (bool shown)


If true, the list view is shown; if false, the progress indicator. The initial value is true.


Control whether the list is being displayed. You can make it not displayed if you are waiting for the initial data to show in it. During this time an indeterminant progress indicator will be shown instead.

Applications do not normally need to use this themselves. The default behavior of ListFragment is to start with the list not being shown, only showing it once an adapter is given with ListFragment.ListAdapter. If the list at that point had not been shown, when it does get shown it will be do without the user ever seeing the hidden state.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.App
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 11