OpenTK.Audio.OpenAL.ALSourcef Enumeration
A list of valid 32-Bits Float Source/GetSource parameters


public enum ALSourcef


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Member NameDescription
ConeInnerAngleDirectional Source, inner cone angle, in degrees. Range: [0-360] Default: 360
ConeOuterAngleDirectional Source, outer cone angle, in degrees. Range: [0-360] Default: 360
ConeOuterGainDirectional Source, outer cone gain. Default: 0.0f Range: [0.0f - 1.0] (Logarithmic)
EfxAirAbsorptionFactor(EFX Extension) This property is a multiplier on the amount of Air Absorption applied to the Source. The AL_AIR_ABSORPTION_FACTOR is multiplied by an internal Air Absorption Gain HF value of 0.994 (-0.05dB) per meter which represents normal atmospheric humidity and temperature. Range [0.0f .. 10.0f] Default: 0.0f
EfxConeOuterGainHighFrequency(EFX Extension) A directed Source points in a specified direction. The Source sounds at full volume when the listener is directly in front of the source; it is attenuated as the listener circles the Source away from the front. Range [0.0f .. 1.0f] Default: 1.0f
EfxRoomRolloffFactor(EFX Extension) This property is defined the same way as the Reverb Room Rolloff property: it is one of two methods available in the Effect Extension to attenuate the reflected sound (early reflections and reverberation) according to source-listener distance. Range [0.0f .. 10.0f] Default: 0.0f
GainIndicate the gain (volume amplification) applied. Type: float. Range: [0.0f - ? ] A value of 1.0 means un-attenuated/unchanged. Each division by 2 equals an attenuation of -6dB. Each multiplicaton with 2 equals an amplification of +6dB. A value of 0.0f is meaningless with respect to a logarithmic scale; it is interpreted as zero volume - the channel is effectively disabled.
MaxDistanceIndicate distance above which Sources are not attenuated using the inverse clamped distance model. Default: float.PositiveInfinity Type: float Range: [0.0f - float.PositiveInfinity]
MaxGainIndicate maximum Source attenuation. Type: float Range: [0.0f - 1.0f] (Logarthmic)
MinGainIndicate minimum Source attenuation. Type: float Range: [0.0f - 1.0f] (Logarthmic)
PitchSpecify the pitch to be applied, either at Source, or on mixer results, at Listener. Range: [0.5f - 2.0f] Default: 1.0f
ReferenceDistanceSource specific reference distance. Type: float Range: [0.0f - float.PositiveInfinity] At 0.0f, no distance attenuation occurs. Type: float Default: 1.0f.
RolloffFactorSource specific rolloff factor. Type: float Range: [0.0f - float.PositiveInfinity]
SecOffsetThe playback position, expressed in seconds.


Namespace: OpenTK.Audio.OpenAL
Assembly: OpenTK-1.0 (in OpenTK-1.0.dll)
Assembly Versions: