Android.Views.ViewPropertyAnimator Members

The members of Android.Views.ViewPropertyAnimator are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Protected Constructors

A constructor used when creating managed representations of JNI objects; called by the runtime.

Public Properties

Durationlong. Returns the current duration of property animations.
InterpolatorAndroid.Animation.ITimeInterpolator. Returns the timing interpolator that this animation uses.
StartDelaylong. Returns the current startDelay of property animations.

Protected Properties

ThresholdClassIntPtr. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ThresholdTypeType. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Public Methods

Alpha(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's alpha property to be animated to the specified value.
AlphaBy(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's alpha property to be animated by the specified value.
Cancels all property animations that are currently running or pending.
Rotation(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's rotation property to be animated to the specified value.
RotationBy(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's rotation property to be animated by the specified value.
RotationX(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's rotationX property to be animated to the specified value.
RotationXBy(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's rotationX property to be animated by the specified value.
RotationY(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's rotationY property to be animated to the specified value.
RotationYBy(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's rotationY property to be animated by the specified value.
ScaleX(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's scaleX property to be animated to the specified value.
ScaleXBy(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's scaleX property to be animated by the specified value.
ScaleY(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's scaleY property to be animated to the specified value.
ScaleYBy(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's scaleY property to be animated by the specified value.
SetDuration(long) : ViewPropertyAnimator
Sets the duration for the underlying animator that animates the requested properties.
SetInterpolator(Android.Animation.ITimeInterpolator) : ViewPropertyAnimator
Sets the interpolator for the underlying animator that animates the requested properties.
SetListener(Android.Animation.Animator.IAnimatorListener) : ViewPropertyAnimator
Sets a listener for events in the underlying Animators that run the property animations.
SetStartDelay(long) : ViewPropertyAnimator
Sets the startDelay for the underlying animator that animates the requested properties.
SetUpdateListener(Android.Animation.ValueAnimator.IAnimatorUpdateListener) : ViewPropertyAnimator
Sets a listener for update events in the underlying ValueAnimator that runs the property animations.
Starts the currently pending property animations immediately.
TranslationX(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's translationX property to be animated to the specified value.
TranslationXBy(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's translationX property to be animated by the specified value.
TranslationY(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's translationY property to be animated to the specified value.
TranslationYBy(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's translationY property to be animated by the specified value.
TranslationZ(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's translationZ property to be animated to the specified value.
TranslationZBy(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's translationZ property to be animated by the specified value.
WithEndAction(Java.Lang.IRunnable) : ViewPropertyAnimator
Specifies an action to take place when the next animation ends.
WithLayer() : ViewPropertyAnimator
The View associated with this ViewPropertyAnimator will have its View.SetLayerType(LayerType, Android.Graphics.Paint) set to View.LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE for the duration of the next animation.
WithStartAction(Java.Lang.IRunnable) : ViewPropertyAnimator
Specifies an action to take place when the next animation runs.
X(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's x property to be animated to the specified value.
XBy(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's x property to be animated by the specified value.
Y(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's y property to be animated to the specified value.
YBy(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's y property to be animated by the specified value.
Z(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's z property to be animated to the specified value.
ZBy(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's z property to be animated by the specified value.