Android.Hardware.Camera2.CaptureRequest.TonemapMode Property


public static CaptureRequest.Key TonemapMode { get; }

See Also



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High-level global contrast/gamma/tonemapping control.

When switching to an application-defined contrast curve by setting CaptureRequest.TonemapMode to CONTRAST_CURVE, the curve is defined per-channel with a set of (in, out) points that specify the mapping from input high-bit-depth pixel value to the output low-bit-depth value. Since the actual pixel ranges of both input and output may change depending on the camera pipeline, the values are specified by normalized floating-point numbers.

More-complex color mapping operations such as 3D color look-up tables, selective chroma enhancement, or other non-linear color transforms will be disabled when CaptureRequest.TonemapMode is CONTRAST_CURVE.

When using either FAST or HIGH_QUALITY, the camera device will emit its own tonemap curve in CaptureRequest.TonemapCurve. These values are always available, and as close as possible to the actually used nonlinear/nonglobal transforms.

If a request is sent with CONTRAST_CURVE with the camera device's provided curve in FAST or HIGH_QUALITY, the image's tonemap will be roughly the same.

Possible values:

Available values for this device:


Optional - This value may be null on some devices.

Full capability - Present on all camera devices that report being CameraMetadata.INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL_FULL devices in the CameraCharacteristics.InfoSupportedHardwareLevel key

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Hardware.Camera2
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: