Member Name | Description |
Activities | Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo flag: return information about activities in the package in PackageInfo.Activities. |
Configurations | Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo flag: return information about hardware preferences in PackageInfo.ConfigPreferences and requested features in PackageInfo.ReqFeatures. |
DisabledComponents | Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo flag: include disabled components in the returned info. |
DisabledUntilUsedComponents | Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo flag: include disabled components which are in that state only because of ComponentEnabledState.DisabledUntilUsed in the returned info. Note that if you set this flag, applications that are in this disabled state will be reported as enabled. |
Gids | Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo flag: return the PackageInfo.Gids that are associated with an application. This applies for any API returning a PackageInfo class, either directly or nested inside of another. |
Instrumentation | Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo flag: return information about instrumentation in the package in PackageInfo.Instrumentation. |
IntentFilters | Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo flag: return information about the intent filters supported by the activity. |
MatchDefaultOnly | Resolution and querying flag: if set, only filters that support the Android.Content.Intent.CategoryDefault will be considered for matching. This is a synonym for including the CATEGORY_DEFAULT in your supplied Intent. |
MetaData | Android.Content.PM.ComponentInfo flag: return the PackageItemInfo.MetaData data Android.OS.Bundles that are associated with a component. This applies for any API returning a ComponentInfo subclass. |
Permissions | Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo flag: return information about permissions in the package in PackageInfo.Permissions. |
Providers | Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo flag: return information about content providers in the package in PackageInfo.Providers. |
Receivers | Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo flag: return information about intent receivers in the package in PackageInfo.Receivers. |
ResolvedFilter | Android.Content.PM.ResolveInfo flag: return the IntentFilter that was matched for a particular ResolveInfo in ResolveInfo.Filter. |
Services | Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo flag: return information about services in the package in PackageInfo.Services. |
SharedLibraryFiles | Android.Content.PM.ApplicationInfo flag: return the ApplicationInfo.SharedLibraryFiles that are associated with an application. This applies for any API returning an ApplicationInfo class, either directly or nested inside of another. |
Signatures | Android.Content.PM.PackageInfo flag: return information about the signatures included in the package. |
UninstalledPackages |
DONT_DELETE_DATA Note: this flag may cause less information about currently installed applications to be returned. |
UriPermissionPatterns | Android.Content.PM.ProviderInfo flag: return the ProviderInfo.UriPermissionPatterns that are associated with a content provider. This applies for any API returning a ProviderInfo class, either directly or nested inside of another. |