System.Web.Profile.ProfileInfoCollection: Method Members

The methods of System.Web.Profile.ProfileInfoCollection are listed below. For a list of all members, see the ProfileInfoCollection Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from System.Object

Public Methods


Adds the specified System.Web.Profile.ProfileInfo object to the collection.


Removes all System.Web.Profile.ProfileInfo objects from the collection.

CopyTo(Array, int)

Copies the System.Web.Profile.ProfileInfoCollection to a one-dimensional array.

CopyTo(ProfileInfo[], int)

Copies the System.Web.Profile.ProfileInfoCollection to a one-dimensional array of type System.Web.Profile.ProfileInfo.

GetEnumerator() : IEnumerator

Gets an enumerator that can iterate through the System.Web.Profile.ProfileInfoCollection.


Removes the System.Web.Profile.ProfileInfo object with the specified user name from the collection.


Makes the contents of the System.Web.Profile.ProfileInfoCollection read-only.