UIKit.UITextView Members

The members of UIKit.UITextView are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from UIKit.UIScrollView

Public Constructors

Default constructor that initializes a new instance of this class with no parameters.
Initializes the UITextView with the specified frame.
A constructor that initializes the object from the data stored in the unarchiver object.
Instantiates a new UIKit.UITextView with the specified frame and textContainer.

Protected Constructors

Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.
A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects; Called by the runtime.

Public Properties

AllowsEditingTextAttributesbool. Whether the application user can change the style of the text.
AppearanceUITextView.UITextViewAppearance. Strongly-typed property that returns the UIAppearance class for this class.
AttributedTextFoundation.NSAttributedString. Contents of the text view as an attributed string.
AutocapitalizationTypeUITextAutocapitalizationType. How input is converted to all capitalization.
AutocorrectionTypeUITextAutocorrectionType. A property that controls when words will be automatically corrected.
BeginningOfDocumentUITextPosition. This property holds the text position for the beginning of the document. Read-only.
ClassHandleIntPtr. The handle for this class.
ClearsOnInsertionbool. Whether inserting new text erases the current contents.
CurrentInputModeDidChangeNotificationFoundation.NSString. Notification constant for CurrentInputModeDidChange
DataDetectorTypesUIDataDetectorType. This property holds a value that determines what text in the document can be converted into clickable links.
DelegateIUITextViewDelegate. An instance of the UIKit.UITextViewDelegate model class which acts as the class delegate.
Editablebool. This property determines if the text view is editable or not.
EnablesReturnKeyAutomaticallybool. If true, then the return key on the keyboard will be disabled when there is no text in the text view.
EndOfDocumentUITextPosition. This property holds the text position for the end of the document. Read-only.
FontUIFont. This property holds the font that will be used to display the text.
HasTextbool. A value representing if there is text in the view.
InputAccessoryViewUIView. A custom view to display when this control becomes the first responder.
InputDelegateIUITextInputDelegate. A delegate object that can respond to text and selection changes.
InputViewUIView. A custom view to be used when the controll becomes the first responder.
KeyboardAppearanceUIKeyboardAppearance. The style of the keyboard that is used with the view.
KeyboardTypeUIKeyboardType. The type of keyboard to use with the view.
LayoutManagerNSLayoutManager. An UIKit.NSLayoutManager to control the layout of the text.
MarkedTextRangeUITextRange. The range of marked text in the document. Read-only.
MarkedTextStyleFoundation.NSDictionary. A Foundation.NSDictionary of attributes describing style of the UITextField.MarkedTextRange.
ReturnKeyTypeUIReturnKeyType. The property is used to get or set the UIKit.UIReturnKeyType of the "return" key. The "return" key will display different text depending on this property.
SecureTextEntrybool. This property controls if the text being displayed should be hidden.
Selectablebool. Whether the application user can select content and interact with links and text attachments.
SelectedRangeFoundation.NSRange. This property returns the range of text that is selected.
SelectedTextRangeUITextRange. This property returns the range of text that is selected.
ShouldBeginEditingUITextViewCondition. Delegate invoked by the object to get a value.
ShouldChangeTextUITextViewChange. Delegate invoked by the object to get a value.
ShouldEndEditingUITextViewCondition. Delegate invoked by the object to get a value.
ShouldInteractWithTextAttachmentFunc<UITextView, NSTextAttachment, Foundation.NSRange, bool>. Delegate invoked by the object to get a value.
ShouldInteractWithUrlFunc<UITextView, Foundation.NSUrl, Foundation.NSRange, bool>. Delegate invoked by the object to get a value.
SpellCheckingTypeUITextSpellCheckingType. This property controls if spell checking will be enabled or disabled during input.
Textstring. This property will set the text to display, or retrieve the text that is being displayed.
TextAlignmentUITextAlignment. How the UITextField.Text should be aligned.
TextBackgroundColorKeyFoundation.NSString. The constant that should be used as the key value when retrieving the text background color from a Foundation.NSDictionary.
TextColorUIColor. The color to use for all the text in the UIKit.UITextView.
TextColorKeyFoundation.NSString. The constant that should be used as the key value when retrieving the text color from a Foundation.NSDictionary.
TextContainerNSTextContainer. Defines the area in which text should be displayed.
TextContainerInsetUIEdgeInsets. Defines the UITextView.TextContainer's layout area as insets from the UITextView's content area.
TextDidBeginEditingNotificationFoundation.NSString. Notification constant for TextDidBeginEditing
TextDidChangeNotificationFoundation.NSString. Notification constant for TextDidChange
TextDidEndEditingNotificationFoundation.NSString. Notification constant for TextDidEndEditing
TextFontKeyFoundation.NSString. The property holds the key that should be used to retrieve the value of the font for the text from a Foundation.NSDictionary.
TextInputViewUIView. This the view that provides the coordinate system. Read-only.
TextStorageNSTextStorage. Holds the attribute text being displayed.
TokenizerIUITextInputTokenizer. This property provides information on the tokenizer that would be used to break up the text into units such as characters, words, lines, and paragraphs.
TypingAttributesFoundation.NSDictionary. The attributes to be applied to newly-typed text.
WeakDelegateFoundation.NSObject. An object that can respond to the delegate protocol for this type
WeakInputDelegateFoundation.NSObject. An object that can respond to the delegate protocol for inserted text.
WeakLinkTextAttributesFoundation.NSDictionary. Returns weak link text attributes.
WeakTokenizerFoundation.NSObject. Returns weak tokenizer.

Public Methods

AppearanceWhenContainedIn(params Type[]) : UITextView.UITextViewAppearance
Returns a strongly typed UIAppearance for instances of this class when the view is hosted in the specified hierarchy.
ComparePosition(UITextPosition, UITextPosition) : Foundation.NSComparisonResult
Returns a value that shows how one location in a document that compares to another location: before, identical, or after.
Deletes one character backwards from the cursor.
This method is called once dictation has unsuccessfully completed.
This method is called when the there is a pending dictation.
GetAppearance<T>() : UITextView.UITextViewAppearance
The strongly-typed IUIAppearance for this object.
GetAppearance<T>(UITraitCollection) : UITextView.UITextViewAppearance
IUIAppearance for this object with specified traits.
GetAppearance<T>(UITraitCollection, params Type[]) : UITextView.UITextViewAppearance
IUIAppearance for this object with specified traits and customized container.
GetBaseWritingDirection(UITextPosition, UITextStorageDirection) : UITextWritingDirection
Determines the writing direction from a position within the text.
GetCaretRectForPosition(UITextPosition) : CoreGraphics.CGRect
This method will return a rectangle that can be used for drawing the insertion caret.
GetCharacterOffsetOfPosition(UITextPosition, UITextRange) : nint
Returns the number of characters in some text between position and the start of the range.
GetCharacterRange(UITextPosition, UITextLayoutDirection) : UITextRange
Returns a range that represents the distance from byExtendingPosition to as far as is possible in direction.
GetCharacterRangeAtPoint(CoreGraphics.CGPoint) : UITextRange
Returns the character or characters at the point specified.
GetClosestPositionToPoint(CoreGraphics.CGPoint) : UITextPosition
Returns the position that is closest to the point specified within the control.
GetClosestPositionToPoint(UITextRange, CoreGraphics.CGPoint) : UITextPosition
Returns the position in withinRange that is closest to withinRange.
GetFirstRectForRange(UITextRange) : CoreGraphics.CGRect
Returns a rectangle that will enclose the first line of text in the range (if the range specifies multiple lines of text).
GetFrameForDictationResultPlaceholder(Foundation.NSObject) : CoreGraphics.CGRect
When overridden, customizes the placement of the dictation placeholder.
GetOffsetFromPosition(UITextPosition, UITextPosition) : nint
Returns the number of characters between two visible locations in a document.
GetPosition(UITextPosition, nint) : UITextPosition
Returns a second position that is offset from the specified position.
GetPosition(UITextRange, nint) : UITextPosition
Returns a position within a document relative to the start of withinRange.
GetPosition(UITextPosition, UITextLayoutDirection, nint) : UITextPosition
Returns a second position in a document the direction and offset relative to the first position.
GetPositionWithinRange(UITextRange, UITextLayoutDirection) : UITextPosition
Returns the furthest position possible in the visible text.
GetSelectionRects(UITextRange) : UITextSelectionRect[]
The selection rectangles for the range.
GetTextRange(UITextPosition, UITextPosition) : UITextRange
Returns the text range between two positions in a document.
GetTextStyling(UITextPosition, UITextStorageDirection) : Foundation.NSDictionary
Returns a Foundation.NSDictionary of styling properties at the position and in the direction specified.
Used to select a UIKit.UIDictationPhrase from a collection of possible phrases.
InsertDictationResultPlaceholder() : Foundation.NSObject
The dictation-results placeholder that will be used during dictation processing.
This method will insert text into the view at the position indicated by the cursor.
RemoveDictationResultPlaceholder(Foundation.NSObject, bool)
Informs the UIKit.UITextView that the placeholder is no longer needed.
ReplaceText(UITextRange, string)
Replaces text in the specified range with the text provided.
Scrolls the text view until the range is visible.
SetBaseWritingDirectionforRange(UITextWritingDirection, UITextRange)
Specifies the base writing direction.
SetMarkedText(string, Foundation.NSRange)
This method will replace any existing marked text the specified text and then selects it.
ShouldChangeTextInRange(UITextRange, string) : bool
Called prior to an edit. Can be overridden to selectively filter edits.
TextInRange(UITextRange) : string
A substring of text in the range.
Any currently marked text is unmarked.

Protected Methods

Releases the resources used by the UITextView object.

Public Events

ChangedEvent raised by the object.
EndedRaised when editing has finished in this UITextView.
SelectionChangedEvent raised by the object.
StartedRaised when editing has started on this UITextView.