MonoTouch.CoreMedia Namespace

Low-level API for managing and playing audio and video in iOS


CMAudioFormatDescriptionA MonoTouch.CoreMedia.CMFormatDescription that describes an audio format.
CMBlockBufferA contiguous range of data offsets over a possibly non-contiguous memory region.
CMBlockBufferErrorAn enumeration whose values specify errors relating to MonoTouch.CoreMedia.CMBlockBuffers.
CMBlockBufferFlagsAn enumeration of flags to be used with MonoTouch.CoreMedia.CMBlockBuffer.CreateEmpty.
CMBufferCompareDelegate signature to compare two CoreFoundation objects, used to sort objects in a CMBufferQueue.
CMBufferGetBoolDelegate signature to determine if the specified buffer that is about to be dequeued is ready.
CMBufferGetSizeDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
CMBufferGetTimeReturns the CMTime object for the specified buffer.
CMBufferQueueCoreMedia Buffer Queue.
CMClockA source of time information, such as the system clock.
CMClockErrorAn enumeration whose values specify errors relating to MonoTouch.CoreMedia.CMClocks.
CMClockOrTimebaseThe base class for MonoTouch.CoreMedia.CMClock and MonoTouch.CoreMedia.CMTimebase.
CMClosedCaptionFormatTypeAn enumeration whose values specify a closed-captioning standard.
CMFormatDescriptionDescribes media data for audio, video, text and time codes
CMFormatDescriptionErrorAn enumeration whose values specify errors relating to MonoTouch.CoreMedia.CMFormatDescriptions.
CMMediaTypeAn enumeration whose values specify valid types of media.
CMMemoryPoolDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
CMMetadataFormatTypeAn enumeration whose values specify types of timed metadata.
CMMuxedStreamTypeAn enumeration whose values specify valid types of multiplexed media.
CMSampleBufferA container of zero-or-more samples of a particular media type.
CMSampleBufferAttachmentSettingsThe keys for MonoTouch.CoreMedia.CMSampleBuffer attachments.
CMSampleBufferErrorAn enumeration whose values specify errors relating to MonoTouch.CoreMedia.CMSampleBuffers.
CMSampleTimingInfoTiming information for a MonoTouch.CoreMedia.CMSampleBuffer.
CMSubtitleFormatTypeAn enumeration whose values specify a subtitling standard.
CMSyncErrorAn enumeration whose values specify errors returned by MonoTouch.CoreMedia.CMClockOrTimebase.GetRelativeRateAndAnchorTime.
CMTextMarkupAttributesManages the attributes used by MonoTouch.AVFoundation.AVTextStyleRule.
CMTimeA time value that represents a rational number MonoTouch.CoreMedia.CMTime.Value/MonoTouch.CoreMedia.CMTime.Timescale.
CMTime+FlagsAn enumeration whose values are flags used by MonoTouch.CoreMedia.CMTime.
CMTimebaseEncapsulates an application-controlled timeline.
CMTimebaseErrorAn enumeration whose values specify errors relating to MonoTouch.CoreMedia.CMTimebases.
CMTimeCodeFormatTypeAn enumeration whose values specify the type of a time code.
CMTimeMappingSpecifies a mapping between a source MonoTouch.CoreMedia.CMTimeRange and a target MonoTouch.CoreMedia.CMTimeRange.
CMTimeRangeA duration of time.
CMTimeRoundingMethodAn enumeration whose values specify the rounding method to be used with a MonoTouch.CoreMedia.CMTime.
CMTimeScaleA value to be used as a denominator in a MonoTouch.CoreMedia.CMTime calculation.
CMVideoCodecTypeAn enumeration whose values specify types of video codecs.
CMVideoDimensionsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
CMVideoFormatDescriptionA MonoTouch.CoreMedia.CMFormatDescription that describes video.
TextMarkupColorA color to be used with MonoTouch.CoreMedia.CMTextMarkupAttributes.BackgroundColor and MonoTouch.CoreMedia.CMTextMarkupAttributes.ForegroundColor.