UIKit.UIResponder Members

The members of UIKit.UIResponder are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Foundation.NSObject

Public Constructors

Default constructor that initializes a new instance of this class with no parameters.

Protected Constructors

Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.
A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects; Called by the runtime.

Public Properties

AccessibilityCustomActionsUIAccessibilityCustomAction[]. Allows methods to be added to UIResponder.AccessibilityCustomActions as accessibility-supporting supplementary actions.
CanBecomeFirstResponderbool. Determines whether this UIREsponder is willing to become the first responder.
CanResignFirstResponderbool. Determines whether this UIResponder is willing to give up its first responder status.
ClassHandleIntPtr. The handle for this class.
InputAccessoryViewUIView. Custom view that can be attached when the object becomes the first responder.
InputAccessoryViewControllerUIInputViewController. Gets the custom accessory UIKit.UIInputViewController to display when this UIKit.UIResponder becomes the first responder.
InputViewUIView. Custom view to display when the object becomes the first responder. Read-only.
InputViewControllerUIInputViewController. Gets the custom UIKit.UIInputViewController to display when this UIKit.UIResponder becomes the first responder.
IsFirstResponderbool. Returns whether this UIResponder is the First Responder.
KeyCommandsUIKeyCommand[]. The key commands that should trigger action on this UIResponder. Read-only.
NextResponderUIResponder. The next responder on the response chain
TextInputContextIdentifierFoundation.NSString. An identifier indicating that this UIResponder should preserve its text input mode information. Read-only.
TextInputModeUITextInputMode. The text input mode for this UIResponder. Read-only.
UndoManagerFoundation.NSUndoManager. The nearest shared NSUndoManager in the responder chain. Read-only.
UserActivityFoundation.NSUserActivity. Action that encapsulates a user activity that is supported by this responder.

Public Methods

Tells the accessibility element to decrement the value of its content.
Indicates that an assistive technology has set its focus to this UIKit.UIResponder.
Indicates that an assistive technology has changed its focus from this UIKit.UIResponder.
AccessibilityElementIsFocused() : bool
Indicates whether an assistive technology is focused on this UIKit.UIResponder.
Tells the accessibility element to increment the value of its content.
AccessibilityPerformEscape() : bool
Tells the accessibility system to dismiss a modal popover or hierarchically-displayed element.
AccessibilityPerformMagicTap() : bool
Toggles the application-defined "most important state" of the app.
AccessibilityScroll(UIAccessibilityScrollDirection) : bool
When overridden, allows the accessibility system to perform scrolling.
BecomeFirstResponder() : bool
Request the object to become the first responder.
CanPerform(ObjCRuntime.Selector, Foundation.NSObject) : bool
Determines if this UIResponder can perform the specified action. Typically used to probe for editing commands.
Clears the text input mode information from the application's user defaults.
Indicates a "Copy" editing operation.
Indicates a "Cut" editing operation.
Indicates a "Delete" editing operation.
GetTargetForAction(ObjCRuntime.Selector, Foundation.NSObject) : Foundation.NSObject
Returns the object that responds to an action.
Sets the direction in which text is written to be left-to-right.
Sets the direction in which text is written to be right-to-left.
MotionBegan(UIEventSubtype, UIEvent)
Method invoked when a motion (a shake) has started.
MotionCancelled(UIEventSubtype, UIEvent)
Method invoked if the operating system cancels a motion (shake) event.
MotionEnded(UIEventSubtype, UIEvent)
Method invoked when a motion (shake) has finished.
Indicates a "Paste" editing operation.
Updates custom input and accessory views when this object is the first responder.
Indicates that a remote-control event was received.
ResignFirstResponder() : bool
Called when this UIResponder has been asked to resign its first responder status.
Restores the state that is necessary for continuance of the specified user activity.
Indicates a "Select" editing operation.|b
Indicates a "Select All" editing operation.
Toggles the use of a bold font.
Toggles the use of an italic font.
Toggles the use of underlining.
TouchesBegan(Foundation.NSSet, UIEvent)
Sent when one or more fingers touches the screen.
TouchesCancelled(Foundation.NSSet, UIEvent)
Sent when the touch processing has been cancelled.
TouchesEnded(Foundation.NSSet, UIEvent)
Sent when one or more fingers are lifted from the screen.
TouchesMoved(Foundation.NSSet, UIEvent)
Sent when one or more fingers move on the screen.
Updates a given user activity state.

Protected Methods

Releases the resources used by the UIResponder object.