MonoTouch.AudioToolbox.AudioSessionCategory Enumeration
Categories for your audio session.


public enum AudioSessionCategory



Member NameDescription

Use this category if playing audio is not your application's main use and if your application can be used with the sound off. This allows background music to be mixed with the audio your application produces.

Audio playback: when your application produces it.

Audio recording: possible.

Background music mixing: yes.

Audio Silenced: when the display is locked, or the silent switch is activated.


Use this category when you want to use the hardware accelerated audio support to perform audio conversions.

Audio playback: disabled.

Audio recording: disabled.


Use this if the main use of your application is to play back music.

Audio playback: when your application produces it.

Audio recording: disabled.

Background music mixing: stopped by default, can be enabled if you set the AudioSession.OverrideCategoryMixWithOthers.

Audio Silenced: not affected by mute switch or screen lock.


Used to perform both playback and recording at the same time, for example for live chat applications.

Audio playback: when your application produces it.

Audio recording: disabled.

Background music mixing: stopped by default, can be enabled if you set the AudioSession.OverrideCategoryMixWithOthers.

Audio Silenced: not affected by mute switch or screen lock.


Used to record audio. This will prevent background audio and messages from playing back.

Audio playback: disabled.

Audio recording: enabled, even if the screen lock is activated.

Background music mixing: background music is disabled.

Audio Silenced: does not apply.


This is the default audio session category.

Audio playback: when your application produces sound.

Audio recording: disabled.

Background music mixing: disabled.

Audio Silenced: when the device is locked, or when the mute switch is set.


Namespace: MonoTouch.AudioToolbox
Assembly: monotouch (in monotouch.dll)
Assembly Versions: