Android.OS.RemoteCallbackList.GetBroadcastItem Method
Retrieve an item in the active broadcast that was previously started with RemoteCallbackList.BeginBroadcast.


[Android.Runtime.Register("getBroadcastItem", "(I)Landroid/os/IInterface;", "GetGetBroadcastItem_IHandler")]
public virtual Java.Lang.Object GetBroadcastItem (int index)

See Also



Which of the registered callbacks you would like to retrieve. Ranges from 0 to 1-RemoteCallbackList.BeginBroadcast.


Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.


Retrieve an item in the active broadcast that was previously started with RemoteCallbackList.BeginBroadcast. This can only be called after the broadcast is started, and its data is no longer valid after calling RemoteCallbackList.FinishBroadcast.

Note that it is possible for the process of one of the returned callbacks to go away before you call it, so you will need to catch Android.OS.RemoteException when calling on to the returned object. The callback list itself, however, will take care of unregistering these objects once it detects that it is no longer valid, so you can handle such an exception by simply ignoring it.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.OS
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 1