See Also: MenuCommand Members
The System.ComponentModel.Design.MenuCommand class represents information about a Windows menu or toolbar command. The System.ComponentModel.Design.IMenuCommandService interface allows you to add System.ComponentModel.Design.MenuCommand objects to the Visual Studio menu.
This class provides the following members:
An event-handler property to which you can attach an event handler for the command.
A System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID property that uniquely identifies the command.
An MenuCommand.Invoke method that executes the command.
An MenuCommand.OnCommandChanged(EventArgs) method that can be overridden to handle the event that occurs when a new command is selected.
Boolean flag states that indicate whether the command is MenuCommand.Checked, MenuCommand.Enabled, MenuCommand.Supported, or MenuCommand.Visible.
An MenuCommand.OleStatus property that indicates the OLE command status code for the command.
An override for the MenuCommand.ToString method.