Android.Provider.MediaStore.Video.Thumbnails: Method Members

The methods of Android.Provider.MediaStore.Video.Thumbnails are listed below. For a list of all members, see the MediaStore+Video+Thumbnails Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Methods

CancelThumbnailRequest(Android.Content.ContentResolver, long)
This method cancels the thumbnail request so clients waiting for getThumbnail will be interrupted and return immediately.
CancelThumbnailRequest(Android.Content.ContentResolver, long, long)
This method cancels the thumbnail request so clients waiting for getThumbnail will be interrupted and return immediately.
GetContentUri(string) : Android.Net.Uri
Get the content:// style URI for the image media table on the given volume.
GetThumbnail(Android.Content.ContentResolver, long, VideoThumbnailKind, Android.Graphics.BitmapFactory.Options) : Android.Graphics.Bitmap
This method checks if the thumbnails of the specified image (origId) has been created.
GetThumbnail(Android.Content.ContentResolver, long, long, VideoThumbnailKind, Android.Graphics.BitmapFactory.Options) : Android.Graphics.Bitmap
This method checks if the thumbnails of the specified image (origId) has been created.