Xamarin.Forms.TapGestureRecognizer Members

The members of Xamarin.Forms.TapGestureRecognizer are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Xamarin.Forms.GestureRecognizer

Public Constructors

Initializes a new instance of a TapGestureRecognizer object.
Initializes a new instance of a TapGestureRecognizer object with a parameterized callback.
Initializes a new instance of a TapGestureRecognizer object with a callback.

Public Fields

static readonly
CommandParameterPropertyBindableProperty. Identifies the CommandParameter bindable property.
static readonly
CommandPropertyBindableProperty. Identifies the Command bindable property.
static readonly
NumberOfTapsRequiredPropertyBindableProperty. Identifies the NumberOfTapsRequired bindable property.
static readonly
TappedCallbackParameterPropertyBindableProperty. Identifies the TappedCallbackParameter bindable property.
static readonly
TappedCallbackPropertyBindableProperty. Identifies the TappedCallback bindable property.

Public Properties

CommandSystem.Windows.Input.ICommand. The Command to invoke when the gesture has been triggered by the user. This is a bindable property.
CommandParameterobject. An object to be passed to the TappedCallback. This is a bindable property.
NumberOfTapsRequiredint. The number of taps required to trigger the callback. This is a bindable property.
TappedCallbackAction<View, object>. The action to invoke when the gesture has been triggered by the user. This is a bindable property.
TappedCallbackParameterobject. An object to be passed to the TappedCallback. This is a bindable property.

Public Events

TappedEvent that is raised when the user taps.