System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter Members

The members of System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from System.Object

Public Constructors

Initializes a new instance of the System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter class that writes the resources to the specified stream object.

Initializes a new instance of the System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter class that writes to the specified System.IO.TextWriter object.

Initializes a new instance of the System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter class that writes the resources to the specified file.

Public Fields

static readonly

Specifies the default content type for a binary object. This field is read-only.

static readonly

Specifies the default content type for a byte array object. This field is read-only.

static readonly

Specifies the default content type for an object. This field is read-only.

static readonly

Specifies the content type of an XML resource. This field is read-only.

static readonly
ResourceSchemastring (null).

Specifies the schema to use in writing the XML file. This field is read-only.

static readonly

Specifies the content type for a SOAP object. This field is read-only.

static readonly

Specifies the version of the schema that the XML output conforms to. This field is read-only.

Public Properties


Gets or sets the base path for the relative file path specified in a System.Resources.ResXFileRef object.

Public Methods

AddAlias(string, System.Reflection.AssemblyName)

Adds the specified alias to a list of aliases.

AddMetadata(string, byte[])

Adds a design-time property whose value is specifed as a byte array to the list of resources to write.

AddMetadata(string, object)

Adds a design-time property whose value is specified as an object to the list of resources to write.

AddMetadata(string, string)

Adds a design-time property whose value is specified as a string to the list of resources to write.


Adds a named resource specified in a System.Resources.ResXDataNode object to the list of resources to write.

AddResource(string, byte[])

Adds a named resource specified as a byte array to the list of resources to write.

AddResource(string, object)

Adds a named resource specified as an object to the list of resources to write.

AddResource(string, string)

Adds a string resource to the resources.


Releases all resources used by the System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter.


Releases all resources used by the System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter.


This member overrides the object.Finalize method.


Writes all resources added by the ResXResourceWriter.AddResource(string, Byte[]) method to the output file or stream.

Protected Methods


Releases the unmanaged resources used by the System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter and optionally releases the managed resources.