Java.Lang.String: Method Members

The methods of Java.Lang.String are listed below. For a list of all members, see the String Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Methods

CharAt(int) : char
Returns the char at index.
CodePointAt(int) : int
Returns the Unicode code point at the given index.
CodePointBefore(int) : int
Returns the Unicode code point that precedes the given index.
CodePointCount(int, int) : int
Calculates the number of Unicode code points between start and end.
CompareTo(string) : int
Compares this string to the given string.
CompareToIgnoreCase(string) : int
Compares this string to the given string, ignoring case differences.
Concat(string) : string
Concatenates this string and the specified string.
Contains(ICharSequence) : bool
Returns true if this string contains the charss from the given CharSequence.
Contains(string) : bool
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ContentEquals(ICharSequence) : bool
Returns true if the chars in the given CharSequence are the same as those in this string.
ContentEquals(StringBuffer) : bool
Returns true if the chars in the given StringBuffer are the same as those in this string.
ContentEquals(string) : bool
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CopyValueOf(char[]) : string
Creates a new string by copying the given char[].
CopyValueOf(char[], int, int) : string
Creates a new string by copying the given subsequence of the given char[].
EndsWith(string) : bool
Compares the specified string to this string to determine if the specified string is a suffix.
EqualsIgnoreCase(string) : bool
Compares the given string to this string ignoring case.
Format(string, params Object[]) : string
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Format(Java.Util.Locale, string, params Object[]) : string
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GetBytes() : byte[]
Returns a new byte array containing the code points in this string encoded using the system's Java.Nio.Charset.Charset.DefaultCharset.
GetBytes(Java.Nio.Charset.Charset) : byte[]
Returns a new byte array containing the code points of this string encoded using the given charset.
GetBytes(string) : byte[]
Returns a new byte array containing the code points of this string encoded using the named charset.
GetBytes(int, int, byte[], int)
Mangles a subsequence of this string into a byte array by stripping the high order bits from each char.
GetChars(int, int, char[], int)
Copies the given subsequence of this string to the given array starting at the given offset.
GetEnumerator() : IEnumerator<char>
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IndexOf(int) : int
Returns the first index of the given code point, or -1.
IndexOf(string) : int
Returns the first index of the given string, or -1.
IndexOf(int, int) : int
Returns the next index of the given code point, or -1.
IndexOf(string, int) : int
Returns the next index of the given string in this string, or -1.
Intern() : string
Returns an interned string equal to this string.
LastIndexOf(int) : int
Returns the last index of the code point c, or -1.
LastIndexOf(string) : int
Returns the index of the start of the last match for the given string in this string, or -1.
LastIndexOf(int, int) : int
Returns the last index of the code point c, or -1.
LastIndexOf(string, int) : int
Returns the index of the start of the previous match for the given string in this string, or -1.
Length() : int
Returns the number of chars in this string.
Matches(string) : bool
Tests whether this string matches the given regularExpression.
OffsetByCodePoints(int, int) : int
Returns the index within this object that is offset from index by codePointOffset code points.
RegionMatches(int, string, int, int) : bool
Returns true if the given subsequence of the given string matches this string starting at the given offset.
RegionMatches(bool, int, string, int, int) : bool
Returns true if the given subsequence of the given string matches this string starting at the given offset.
Replace(ICharSequence, ICharSequence) : string
Returns a copy of this string after replacing occurrences of target replaced with replacement.
Replace(char, char) : string
Returns a copy of this string after replacing occurrences of the given char with another.
Replace(string, string) : string
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ReplaceAll(string, string) : string
Replaces all matches for regularExpression within this string with the given replacement.
ReplaceFirst(string, string) : string
Replaces the first match for regularExpression within this string with the given replacement.
Split(string) : string[]
Splits this string using the supplied regularExpression.
Split(string, int) : string[]
Splits this string using the supplied regularExpression.
StartsWith(string) : bool
Compares the specified string to this string to determine if the specified string is a prefix.
StartsWith(string, int) : bool
Compares the specified string to this string, starting at the specified offset, to determine if the specified string is a prefix.
SubSequence(int, int) : string
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SubSequenceFormatted(int, int) : ICharSequence
Equivalent to String.Substring(int, System.Int32) but needed to implement CharSequence.
Substring(int) : string
Returns a string containing a suffix of this string starting at start.
Substring(int, int) : string
Returns a string containing the given subsequence of this string.
ToCharArray() : char[]
Returns a new char array containing a copy of the chars in this string.
ToLowerCase() : string
Converts this string to lower case, using the rules of the user's default locale.
ToLowerCase(Java.Util.Locale) : string
Converts this string to lower case, using the rules of locale.
ToString() : string
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ToUpperCase() : string
Converts this this string to upper case, using the rules of the user's default locale.
ToUpperCase(Java.Util.Locale) : string
Converts this this string to upper case, using the rules of locale.
Trim() : string
Returns a string with no code points <= \\u0020 at the beginning or end.
ValueOf(Object) : string
Converts the specified object to its string representation.
ValueOf(bool) : string
Converts the specified boolean to its string representation.
ValueOf(char) : string
Returns a new string of just the given char.
ValueOf(char[]) : string
Returns a new string containing the same chars as the given array.
ValueOf(double) : string
Returns the string representation of the given double.
ValueOf(int) : string
Returns the string representation of the given int.
ValueOf(long) : string
Returns the string representation of the given long.
ValueOf(float) : string
Returns the string representation of the given float.
ValueOf(char[], int, int) : string
Returns a new string containing the same chars as the given subset of the given array.